Prologue - Accident

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During the afternoon, Shoto, Deku, and Ground Zero struggled to fight off an earthquake disaster that struck the busiest part of Musutafu.

Concrete walls, rocks, and wires were removed to save the innocents encased inside, some unconscious while others were crying and screaming.

"Oi, chill the fuck out, would you?! I'm saving your ass!" Bakugo yelled, using his Quirk to break down any large debris. A man with two children cowered under collapsing concrete until Bakugo picked them up with ease, stepping over debris and giving them to Midoriya. "Take 'em to the paramedics for any injuries."

"Right," Midoriya nodded, assuring the children they were safe before guiding them to a group of paramedics tending to other survivors.

One noticed Midoriya, slipping on their gloves and rushing to the man and two kids, "Thank you so much, Deku. Though, we're running out of hands for the injured. Mind helping us out a bit?"

Midoriya smiled, "Of course!" He turned to Bakugo, who was busy digging through the debris for more survivors. "Ground Zero! Find Shoto and have him search around near the area! I'll be tending to the injured!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Deku!" he hissed, noticing ice shimmering in the distance. Bakugo quickly used his Quirk to glide over the rubble towards Todoroki, who had an unconscious woman on his back with a man in his arms.

Todoroki noticed him, "Ground Zero, can you take the other three pedestrians to the paramedics? Tell Deku to help if he's available, too. Most are adults and some I can't reach."

"Whatever, Halfie," Bakugo hissed, gazing at the cowering woman and men under the debris. He carefully picked one up and helped the other two to walk as they ambled to the paramedics, Deku noticing and using his Quirk to quickly shorten his distance.

One man was severely injured, his leg in ruins with bits of jutting rock sticking out. He was in a lot of pain, wincing when Midoriya took him from Bakugo's arms and into the hands of the paramedics as Todoroki returned as well.

"Deku, can you help us out? There are some I can't reach in the center of the debris," Todoroki asked, handing the paramedics the survivors.

Midoriya nodded, following Todoroki and Bakugo to the center of the disaster where many screams sounded below the concrete. Green and red snaked around Midoriya's arms as he lifted many large support beams and walls of concrete to the survivors below. Todoroki quickly scooped them out, calming them down and warming them with his Quirk while Bakugo helped break down debris.

"Ground Zero, escort them, please!" Midoriya asked as he held a large beam above his head, gritting his teeth while Bakugo and Todoroki quickly gathered all the pedestrians out, letting Midoriya release the support beam and gather his breath.

He and Todoroki heard another survivor shouting for help, digging through the debris until they noticed a quivering girl with tears in her eyes as she curled into a ball, trembling.

"Hey, hey, it's okay!" Midoriya assured, reaching a hand to the girl, whose eyes widened as she screamed and backed away, pink fog surrounding her.

Todoroki grabbed Midoriya's collar, trying to pull him back, "Deku, get back! She's subconsciously using her Quirk!"

Midoriya blinked, trying to grab her until the fog expanded, coating the two Pro Heroes in thick pink fog.

Bakugo noticed, looking away from the paramedic as his eyes widened, "What the hell is happening back there...?" He ignored the paramedic conversing with him and dashed towards the fading fog, seeing Todoroki and Midoriya lying unconscious, but they were smaller than usual with cat and bunny ears. Their costumes covered their small bodies as the girl from before continued to cry.

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