Chapter 1 - Energy

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|Day One - Six Days Before Transformation|

"Picture book! I wanna see the picture book!" Midoriya squeaked, grabbing a stack of Hero picture books from the bottom of the bookshelf and bringing them to Bakugo, who sighed and knelt on the ground, taking a book as Todoroki joined in, taking his own book and looking through it.

Midoriya sat between Bakugo's legs as Bakugo lowered the book in front of him, flipping to the first page with All Might displayed, "All Might! Kacchan, it's All Might! He's so cool!!"

Todoroki's tail flickered as he rolled over a map of Musutafu that Bakugo gazed at previously, the map surrounding his body and rendering him stuck.

"Bakugo," Todoroki squeaked, struggling to break free. He rolled over to face Bakugo, who noticed him and furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm stuck."

Bakugo rolled his eyes, leaning forward and pushing Todoroki, who gasped as he began rolling away and out of the map. He laid flat on the map, groaning and whining about feeling dizzy, but Bakugo ignored him and focused back on the picture book, only to realize Midoriya was asleep in his lap, one arm sticking out as he snored peacefully.

"Um, Bakugo?" Todoroki called, wobbling to him as he struggled to keep his head from spinning.

"What?" Bakugo hissed in a whisper as he glanced away from the picture book to Todoroki.

Todoroki hung his head as his ears flattened, "S-Sorry, but can I sleep with you toni-"

"Hell no," Bakugo interrupted, closing the picture book and setting it on top of the book stack. "Neither of you are sleeping with me 'cause all you'll do is annoy me!" Bakugo subconsciously stroked Midoriya's hair, rubbing his ears as Midoriya leaned into the touch and began kicking his leg. "You can sleep on the couch with Deku. I'll give you two a blanket and pillow, and I better not hear any talking when I'm sleeping!"

Todoroki nodded, stifling tears as he ambled to the couch, climbing onto it until a hand pulled on the collar of his shirt, lifting him and suspending him in the air.

Bakugo hadn't moved from his spot, but he managed to grab Todoroki, setting him next to Bakugo and drawing him to his chest, "I haven't gotten your blanket and pillow yet, so sleep on me until Deku wakes up." He stayed silent for a moment, sighing heavily before ruffling Todoroki's hair. "I guess if you want, you can sleep with me. Just don't stir around."

Todoroki nodded, his tail wagging as he clutched Bakugo's shirt and buried his face into his chest, an arm wrapping around his waist.

"Thank you for taking care of us, Bakugo," Todoroki whispered in his shirt, feeling tears prick his eyes. "I love you."

Bakugo flinched, glancing down to see Todoroki had fallen asleep, a tear falling before Bakugo wiped it away and combed his hair with his fingers.

" you too, Halfie."


"Kacchan!! Kacchan!" Midoriya called, bouncing off the walls with excitement as he shook Bakugo awake. He turned to Todoroki, shaking and pinching the boy's ear until he woke up.

"What the fuck, Deku...?" Bakugo groaned, tossing and proceeding to sleep. "It's too early. Go back to bed."

Todoroki rubbed his eyes, the colors in his hair mixed together, "What's wrong, Midoriya?"

Midoriya beamed, his ears swaying with his movement as his fluffy cottontail wiggled, "All Might's on TV! All Might is!!"

Todoroki's eyes shimmered as he slid off the bed, following Midoriya to the living room when Midoriya somehow managed to turn on the TV to a show about All Might.

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