Chapter 2 - Nicknames

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"Wanna play near the slide?" Midoriya asked Todoroki, who nodded as he was dragged by the hand to the slides, climbing the bar ladders to the top. Midoriya gasped. "We can play superheroes! Wanna be All Might this time?"

Todoroki nodded as the two began playing, Bakugo sitting on a bench and watching them intently with crossed arms. Other kids from different families joined, playing in groups around the swings and seesaws. Two girls stopped in their tracks, glancing at Todoroki and Midoriya, who were playing and chasing after each other.

"He has bunny ears..." One of the girls pointed out, her eyes glued to Midoriya's dark green floppy ears. "He has a tail, too."

"And that one has kitty ears!" the other chimed, a smile growing on her face as she gazed at Todoroki's ears poking out of his sunhat. "So cool!"

Bakugo narrowed his eyes at the two girls, watching their movements as they approached Todoroki and Midoriya, stopping the two in their tracks, talking.

"What are you guys playing?" the girl with ginger hair asked, specifically to Todoroki, admiring his features.

Midoriya beamed, his cottontail wagging, "We're playing superheroes! Wanna play with us? Todoroki-kun's All Might and I'm Hawks!"

The other girl with blonde hair smiled, "Awesome! I wanna be Deku!"

"I wanna be Shoto!" the other shouted. Todoroki grew embarrassed, remembering he was a Pro Hero before the accident.

Midoriya smiled, "Cool! Let's play by the monkey bars!"

The four ran to the monkey bars, playing and shouting while imitating moves their character does. Bakugo smiled as he watched them play, adjusting his sunglasses while the children move around the park.

Soon enough, the two girls had to leave, waving goodbye at Todoroki and Midoriya before resuming their game at the monkey bars.

Bakugo stood, sauntering over to the two hybrid children and leaning against the tree, his hands stuffed in his pockets as he kept his eye on his children.

However, Midoriya was talking with Todoroki while slowly swinging bar-to-bar, not realizing he was close to hitting his head on a vertical bar.

Todoroki noticed, his eyes widened as he struggled to gain Midoriya's attention, "Midoriya, duck!"

Midoriya quacked then hit his head.

Bakugo sprinted towards Midoriya, who was crying while rubbing the top of his head. Todoroki knelt next to him, rubbing the inside of his bunny ears in an attempt to calm him down until Bakugo picked him up, burying his head into his chest.

"K-Kacchan!! I hit my head!" he whined, tears cascading down his face while a small red bump appeared on his forehead.

Bakugo sighed, "Halfie told you to duck! Not quack at him!"

"Sorry!!" he cried, gripping Bakugo's jacket as Todoroki clung to his pant leg. "I thought he saw a duck!"

Todoroki apologized to Midoriya before Bakugo picked him up, each child in his arms.

"We're going home," Bakugo stated as Midoriya stopped crying, sniffing and hiccuping while burying his face in the crook of Bakugo's neck. "Don't touch your head until we get home, Deku. It'll hurt for a while and touching it will make it worse."

Midoriya sniffed, "Okay, Kacchan."

Todoroki wrapped his arms around Bakugo's neck, lying his head on his shoulder while staring at passing pedestrians. He hoped Midoriya would be okay, fearing the bump would stay or keep him from smiling.

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