Chapter 6 - Learning

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Bakugo grew confused, glancing at the small hybrid children cuddled into his arms, "What little ones? They don't mean Halfie and Deku, right? How would they know about them if that were true?"

Aizawa hummed in thought, "Whether it's Midoriya and Todoroki or someone else, we can't risk waiting to find out. I recommend a lockdown on Musutafu until this villain is subdued that way we can protect any child from becoming its next victim. This includes Midoriya and Todoroki, so finding a proper babysitter will be recommended while you're out on the front."

Bakugo grew irritated, "I'm not letting someone else babysit them besides me! If anyone dares touch them without my consent, I'll bury them alive!" Bakugo's yelling made the small hands clinging onto his side tighten.

Aizawa sighed, "Then let me take them. Present Mic can stay home and watch over them while we're out on patrol. Until the villain is apprehended, they won't leave the house. How does that sound?"

The ash-blond Hero weighed his options, "Fine, but that cockatoo better not rupture their eardrums or he'll be answering to my fist." Midoriya and Todoroki clung tightly to his sides, slowly falling asleep as Aizawa and Bakugo thought out a plan for their current situation.

"Then it's settled. You can drop them off at—"

Alarms sounded, red lights flashing around the room as screams sounded on the first floor. Midoriya and Todoroki were startled, clutching tightly onto Bakugo for dear life as muscular arms picked them up.

"Evacuate the area!" Aizawa yelled through the desk phone, descending the stairs with Bakugo carrying Todoroki and Midoriya in his arms, the two kids quivering in his grasp as the loud alarms made them cry. Bakugo grew angry and nervous at the same time, not knowing whether a villain had attacked the agency or if his kids would be safe.

Aizawa and Bakugo scanned the premises, noticing smoke licking the walls of the entrance. There were a few interns and employees lying on the ground unconscious, presuming the smoke caused them to pass out.

"Aizawa-sensei, help evacuate the employees while I find a safe place for Halfie and Deku," Bakugo ordered, trying to soothe the sobbing children in his arms as Aizawa understood, using his capture weapon to lure away people from the smoke.

Bakugo searched around the agency trying to find a place safe enough until the culprit was found. He noticed a crawlspace under an office desk, sliding open the door as he gently pushed the two hybrid children into the space.

"Don't leave until I come back, okay?" he informed, receiving two nods as Todoroki and Midoriya clutched onto each other for dear life, trembling with tears pricking their eyes. "Try to stay quiet and don't open the door to anyone but me." Bakugo closed the sliding cabinet door, racing towards the smoke as he witnessed a person faint when inhaling the smoke.

The ash-blond covered his nose, refusing to inhale the smoke as he ran outside, searching around for any suspicious figure in the distance, but he found none. Other Pro Heroes and employees began the search, sending radars and drones to find who dared to attack Bakugo's agency.

Meanwhile, as Todoroki and Midoriya trembled in each other's grasp, they smelt something burning in the air. Their minds grew fuzzy as they struggled to stay awake, coughing from the smoke until they lost their battle, slipping into consciousness just as they were supposed to.

The cabinet door opened as Daisuke dragged out the two children, chuckling before sneaking out of the building and towards his hideout. Unfortunately, he was caught, many drones projecting a loud siren as they stared down Daisuke, following him until help arrived. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, searching for a way to shake off the drone. Daisuke noticed an old wooden door near the center of an alleyway, quickly busting it down before dropping the kids and barricading the door back against the wall to ensure the drone couldn't follow.

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