Epilogue - Promise

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Finally got it out! Thank you for your patience!


Near seven in the morning, Bakugo woke up to an empty bed, hearing the chatter and clash of pots and pans in the kitchen. Still half-asleep, Bakugo slid off the bed and ambled into the kitchen, greeted by Midoriya cooking and Todoroki talking next to him, Saki curled in his arms. They noticed Bakugo, smiling.

"Good morning, Kacchan!" Midoriya greeted, one of Bakugo's pink aprons that read "Your opinion wasn't in the recipe" stitched in the center. Bakugo didn't know how Midoriya found it, but he was embarrassed that they knew he owned one and that Midoriya looked cute in it.

Todoroki set Saki near her cage, ambling back into the kitchen before giving Midoriya and Bakugo good-morning kisses, causing Bakugo to grow red while Midoriya smiled and continued cooking rice and miso soup.

"Why are you two dunces up so early?" the ash-blond asked, running a hand through his hair. "I figured you'd still be asleep after last night."

"We could say the same to you, Bakugo," Todoroki pitched in, a small smile on his face as Bakugo growled at him, his palms starting to heat from anger. "We went pretty rough on you. I'm surprised you're still standing."

Midoriya made their plates, turning off the stove and slipping off his oven mitts before smiling at Bakugo, "Do your hips hurt, at all, Kacchan? We may have gone slightly overboard." He laughed, embraced from behind as Todoroki let out a chuckle.

Bakugo fumed, his face dusted pink, "Don't underestimate me, you bastards! I'm perfectly fine! If at all, it felt like you were going easy on me!"

Todoroki and Midoriya exchanged glances, cocking an eyebrow, "That was easy for you?" they synced.

"Do you want us to go rougher next time?" Todoroki asked, his expression unreadable as Midoriya laughed at Bakugo's embarrassment, both drawing Bakugo into a hug. "I'm sure with a little work and practice, we can meet your demands. Is that what you want?"

The ash-blond seethed through his teeth, though his anger dissipated once he felt two pairs of lips against his neck, popping when they pulled apart, "Y-You pieces of shits... Let's just eat and forget what happened last night. I'm still fucking tired..." He sat down at the dining table, the others following as they ate in silence, though Bakugo swore Todoroki and Midoriya were teasing him again, both close together and sharing loving kisses while occasionally eyeing him.

"Is something wrong, Kacchan?" Midoriya asked, though his voice told Bakugo he was playing around, Todoroki's arm snaking around the greenette's waist and pulling him closer. "You seem irritated. Does the food taste bad?"

"I think it taste amazing, Izuku," Todoroki complimented, his plate nearly finished as he kissed Midoriya again. "The food and you."

Bakugo had enough, wanting to be a part of their affection as he finished the rest of his food, quickly cleaning the dishes before dragging Todoroki and Midoriya into the living room, shoving them down onto the couch with him in the center, "Give me some attention, too, you bastards."

The matters exchanged playful glances, Todoroki taking Bakugo's mouth while Midoriya took his neck, two sets of hands gliding where they pleased on the ash-blond's body. Down his pants, up his shirt, along his thighs, everywhere easily accessible. Moans vibrated from Bakugo's throat, his ass squeezed and hard-on palmed until the two suddenly stopped, taking in the rare sight of a disheveled and flushed Bakugo, who seemed drunk on lust.

"Why'd-you-stop?" he slurred, growling as the two smiled at him with no sign of giving him affection. "You can't just leave me like this, you bastards."

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