Chapter 4 - Absence

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"Hey, calm down. I know it hurts," Bakugo eased, pressing ice packs against Todoroki and Midoriya's cheek. "After this, we'll eat your breakfast and go get candy, okay? You want Anpanman Pero Pero?"

The two smiled through their tears, nodding as Bakugo lowered the bags of ice, storing them in the freezer and taking out breakfast from Ultra Dine. He warmed them up in the microwave, opening the kiwi and strawberry Ramune while Todoroki and Midoriya sat at the table, lying their heads on the wooden surface.

"Here." Bakugo slid Midoriya's plate of spicy noodles and gave Todoroki his pancake and rice, sliding their Ramune into their hands as they took a sip and dug in.

While they ate, Bakugo gazed at the marks on their cheeks, feeling unbridled rage in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to pulverize that woman for touching his kids, dig her grave six feet below and bury her alive, but he's a Pro Hero; he can't murder someone, no matter how badly he wants to.

"Um, B-Bakugo...?" Todoroki squeaked, his ears flat against his head. "Did we do something wrong?"

Bakugo blinked, realizing he was glaring at the two hybrid children during his thought process. Midoriya let a few more tears slip, his body trembling as he dug his hands in between his thighs, hanging his head low.

"No...No, you didn't do anything wrong," Bakugo stated, his eyes staring a thousand yards in solemn. "Kids, finish chewing then watch some TV. I'm gonna make a phone call real quick."

Bakugo stood, ruffling the boys' hair before heading into his room and digging out his phone. He scrolled through his contacts until he reached a certain contact name.

He pressed the call button, pressing it to his ear while sliding on his shoes and tying them.

The ringing ended, "Hey, Bakubro! You never call me! How's it going?"

"Listen, Shitty Hair, I need a favor," Bakugo growled, running his fingers through his hair. "Bring Pinky if you can and head to my house."

"Sure, I can do that, but how come? What's going on?" Kirishima asked, worry laced in his voice. "Is this about Todoroki and Midoriya?"

Bakugo sighed, "Yeah, it is. Just be here in ten minutes." He ended the call, slipping on his sunhat and shades before ambling into the living room, hearing the voice of All Might on the TV. Todoroki and Midoriya were under the kotatsu, a hand stroking Midoriya's fluffy hair as it laid in front of Todoroki.

Bakugo smiled, fixing his sunglasses before packing away breakfast and their drinks. He returned to the living room, sitting behind the two children and watching All Might in action. Todoroki noticed Bakugo, glancing behind his shoulder and smiling.

Bakugo ruffled his hair, scratching the base of Todoroki's ear as he purred.

The sound of tires grinding down gravel stole Bakugo's attention, making him stand and reach for the door before Kirishima and Ashido had a chance to knock.

"Wassup, bro?" Kirishima greeted, playfully punching Bakugo in the arm as Ashido did the same, both laughing.

Bakugo rolled his eyes and shoved the two inside, closing the door as Todoroki and Midoriya snapped their attention to Ashido and Kirishima, eyes wide.

"It's Red Riot and Alien Queen!!" Midoriya beamed, scrambling to his feet and jumping into Ashido's outstretched arms. Todoroki ambled to Kirishima, who picked him up and gave him a noogie.

"Aren't you two so adorable!!" Ashido squealed, rubbing the inside of Midoriya's ears as his foot rapidly kicked.

Kirishima squished Todoroki's cheeks, pressing on the mark on his cheek and making Todoroki whine, pushing his fingers away with tears sprouting on his eyes.

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