Rose Ring

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Ana's outfit:

Ana's outfit:

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So.... Harry has confirmed that he has absolutely no plan now. So that's great. It's been almost 2 months but ya know, it's fine! We have stayed with Bill and Fleur for the whole time and they are just as kind as when I stayed with them.

Me and Rosie were sitting by the beach far away from the house as she played with the sand. She really loved nature which was super cute and now she didn't have to stay in the house everyday. The sun was very slowly going down so we had time to stay outside.

"Cissy, don't bother the ocean. Play with the sand." I told her as she neared the rough waves of the water. I smiled as she nodded and plopped in the sand.

I then heard a loud 'woosh' not that far away from me and I snapped my head around and my eyes widened. I felt like crying as I slowly stood up and stared into his grey eyes.

I let out a loud sob before running into his arms. I started crying into his shoulder as he hugged me tightly.

"W-what are y-you doing here?" I shuddered as I broke the hug. He wiped my tears away.

"I came to see you, and Rosie." He smiled and I cried so more.

"How did you-"

"I convinced Snape to let me see you and before you left my house I put a tracker behind your ear." He told me. I laughed at his wittiness and reached to the back of my ear and sure enough there was a tiny tracker.

"Well I'm so glad your here." I connected our lips for the first time in less then a year and it felt amazing. Even though we hadn't seen each other in so long it's like we never separated and that we kissed everyday.

"D-.... daddy?" We heard Rosie whimper. We broke the kiss and looked at her. She slowly stood up because it was harder for her to stand in the sand. Draco smiled as he looked like crying this time as he walked over to the sand and picked her up. He kissed her cheek as she started crying. She squeezed him the best she could with her little arms.

"I missed you flower." He whispered as he had tears in his eyes.

"And we missed you." I said softly as tears started rolling down my cheeks again. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my head.

"You two girls are my life." He kissed me again as Rosie slowly stopped crying.

*Thirty minutes later*

After he caught up with Rosie she had to go to bed so we put her to sleep in Ron's room because she so desperately wanted to sleep in the same room as him which was cute. And when the trio, Bill, and Fleur saw Draco they all looked confused as to how he got here. But he answered it for them all. But the weirdest thing happened too. He asked to speak to Ron in private which was very odd. But when he was done we walked back out onto the beach.

We sat down in the sand and he pulled me closer to him.

"I missed you so much, you have no idea." I told him.

LOVED BY A MALFOY | D.MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now