Chapter 2

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His mother sat down across from Isabelle, placing the medical bag on the table.

"Give me your arm first." She ordered.

Isabelle placed her arm on the table and his mother mended it. After she was done she wrapped up her arm and moved on to her face.

"I hope you don't mind me eavesdropping, but I coudn't help over hear your family was attacked by vampires?"

"I'm sorry to hear such a thing." She apologized.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault, ummm" Isabelle waited.

"Grace." Grace smiled.

"Grace." Isabelle finished her sentence.

"Isabelle, I hope you don't me asking this, but why did they attack your family?" Grace asked.

Isabelle laughed lightly, "Let's just say I wasn't the smartest when it came to vampires. I piss them off quite a lot. I have learned my lesson though."

"Yes, but it's unfortanate that you had to lose your family in the process." Grace frowned.

"We all lose someone at some point." Isabele mumbled.

"Yes, Mason lost his father to those blood sucking demons."

Isabelle kept down her rage.

"Is that way he kills them? For vengens of his father?"Isabelle asked.

"Yes, it scares me you know? I mean I already lost my husband, I can't afford to lose my son too." She sighed.

"I understand, if one of my brothers got h-" isabelle stopped.

How could she forget?! She's a horrible person! She lefther brothers in the basement with Jake! What if he got them? What if he killed him? The thought made her blood boil with rage.

"Isabelle." Grace said snapping Isabelle from her thoughts.


"I said were done." Grace smiled.

"Oh sorry, its just-" Grace cut her off.

"Something happened to your brother, didn't it?"

Isabelle nodded sadly, "In order to save me, he sacraficed his life for mine."

"Well what a brave young man, I say don't mourn over him. Live life right for the both of you.''

Isabelle just smiled.

"I have clothes out on the guess bed for you, up the stairs down the hall and to the right."

"Thank you." Isabelle smiled once more and headed upstairs.

Once she made it down the hall she couldn't remember if it were the on the left or right. She took a guess and opened the door on her left. Mason turned around with only a towel around his waist.

She quckly covered her eyes.

"Don't you knock?!" He yelled.

"Wrong door!" She screamed closing the door shut.

She walked in the other door and closed it. She slipped into the comfortable clothes and jumed in bed.

"Note to self," she whispered, "don't walk into his room without knocking first." and then she was fast asleep.


She woke up all sweaty and panting, the first nightmare with many more to come. She smelt eggs and bacon and got out of bed. She could eat and drink normal things but it wouldn't help with her blood lust.

But she wanted to eat breakfast so they wouldn't suspect anything. As she walked down stairs the smell grew stronger and stronger until it was right under her nose.

"Good Morning." Grace greeted her.

"Morning."Isabelle yawned.

"Sleep well?" She asked.

"To be honest no, I had nightmares."

"You should've woken up Mason, he knows how to deal with that."

"I know how to deal with what?" Mason asked walking into the kitchen.

"Isabelle was having nightmares, I said she should've woken you up. Your good with stuff like that."

Isabelle spoke up, "It wasn't like that, I didn't wake up or anything. I just couldn't seem to get sights out of my head, plus the last thing I would want to do is wake him up in the middle of the night."

"Besides I wouldn't have helped her either." Mason shrugged

"Mason Carter!" Graced yelled.

"It's fine I understand, I mean I'm a complete stranger basically invading your home." Isabelle said.

"No honey, your our guest and Mason should start treating you like one."

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