Chapter 6

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Isabelle found an old shed and sat against the hay stacks. She started to think about her brothers, why would they betray her and join Jake's army? Family came first, there parents always said that. Shouldn't they know better? After all her and her brothers always got along, she's all they have left now. Why would they leave her at the worst moment? She sighed and placed her face in her hands, she never thought this much. Thinking hurt her head and got her frustrated.

She pulled her hands from her face when she heard something move in the far corner. She squinted and tried looking at whatever it was, but it was too dark. She just sat back and ignored it until she heard it again. This time she stood up and looked in the same direction.

"Show yourself." She said, not a hint of fear in her voice.

The 14 year old dirty blond haired girl emerged from the darkness and hissed.

"Seriously? That's the best you've got?" Isabelle asked, she shook her head and sat back down.

"Y-Your not afraid?" The girl asked.

Isabelle chuckled, "Now why would I be afraid?"

"Ah, your a vampire too." The girl said.

"Your senses aren't very heightened, are they?" Isabelle asked.

"No, my father was human and my mother was vampire so I'm half."

"I see, so um what's your name?" Isabelle asked.

"Skyla and you are?" Skyla asked, sitting down next to Isabelle.


"Oh so your the great Isabelle?" Skyla asked

"So that's what they call me now?" Isabelle asked.

"They want you dead." Skyla said, staring at the side of Isabelle's face.

Isabelle turned to look at her, "I know."

"Then why are you in this shed? Shouldn't you be out fighting?"

"One vampire against a million, no thank you." Isabelle mumbled.

"Hey! How about we build our own army!" Skyla pepped up

"And what are an 18 year old and a 14 year old vampire going to do?" Isabelle asked.

"We could great our own army, aren't you listening?"

"Were already at war with humans, do you really want to start another war?" Isabelle asked, now playing with the straws of hay.

"That's it we can team up with the humans!" Skyla smiled.

"Kid we just met and now your saying we should create out own army, team up with the humans, and take down Jake's army? Your way over your head." Isabelle laughed.

"Come on, humans aren't that bad."

"I know, but they all think that we're bad. That's the whole point, they don't trust us."

"Not every human hates vampires." Skyla shook her head.

"But the people that don't are either dead or too scared to go against A WHOLE ARMY!" Isabelle yelled.

"Just think about it, we cab convince them."

Isabelle laughed dryly, "Oh yeah? You really think they're going to listen to a blood sucker and a half blood sucker? We'll have steaks through our hearts before we can even open our mouths."

"You don't know that."

"Oh I don't? Please, they hate us. You've seen how they are, haven't you?" Isabelle asked.

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