Chapter 3

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He rolled his eyes.

"Now Mason!" Grace yelled.

"What!?" He yelled, annoyed.

Isabelle felt awkward just standing there, so she sat down and waited patiently for the food.

"What would your father think?" She asked.

"I don't know mom, why don't you go ask him." He said sarcastically.

"Mason I get your upset so am I-" he cut her off.

"No you don't get it! Your the reason he's dead and now I'm stuck living without him!" He yelled at her.

Isabelle instantly looked up, shooting Mason a dirty look even though he was glaring at his mother. Grace turned off the stove and threw down the spatula.

"Excuse me." She mumbled and hurried upstairs.

"What the hell was that!!!?!" Isabelle screamed.


"You don't speak to your mother that way!"

"Listen I don't need a lecture from you." Mason said beginning to walk away.

Isabelle stood up and pushed him into his chair. He was shocked and confused.

"No you will listen! Do you have any idea what you've just done!? Your mother is trying her best to give you what you want and THAT is how you repay her!?!!" Isabelle was furiated.

Mason didn't say anything.

"She gives you a nice home, cooks you food, makes sure your healthy and you treat her like shit! If you would just take a moment and stop being so god damn selfish and appreciate her for once then this wouldn't have happened!!"

"She's probably upstairs crying because of you!! I hated my mother and didn't talk to her for years!! Yesterday when I found out she could be dead, I regretted the way I treated her! You only have 5 minutes to tell someone you love them and once those five minutes are up, your done! Charish those five minutes, don't feel sorry when its too late!"

"You know your just so god damn selfish, cruel, and you disgust me! You treat everyone like shit and expect them to be nice to you. I pity the girl that marries you, if anyone can even love your black heart! That's if you have one!" Isabelle finished and began storming off.

"Isabelle, wait." Mason said in the softest voice.

She turned around, "What!?"

He stood up and walked over to her, "You right I am selfish, cruel, and just overall disgusting. Your right about everything and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I treated you like shit and didn't try to be nice." He apologized.

Isabelle calmed down, "Thank you, but I'm not the one you need to apologize to."

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Upstairs in her room probably." She said.

He started to walk away when he stopped, "Can we start over?"


He smiled lightly and hurried up the steps.

Well since they were to occupied Isabelle decided to go get food, her food. She quietly walked outside and looked around, no one. Perfect. She remembered seeing a barn not too far from here.

She ran quickly and she was at the barn in no time. She opened one of the barn doors and quickly slipped inside. So many varietys to choose from. She walked over to the pig pen and find just the right one.

She let her fangs sprout and her eyes glow red. The pigs began to squeal, she silenced the one by sinking her fangs into it and sucking it dry. She wiped her mouth and put away her fangs, letting her eyes go back to the natural hazel.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, before running back home.

She quickly ate bacon and eggs to cover up the smell of blood coming from her mouth when she talked. Her clothes didn't smell too good either but it wasn't noticeable.

Mason and Grace both walked down, looking a bit more cheerful.

"You ate without us?" Grace asked.

Isabelle just shrugged, "You guys took to long and I got hungry."

"Well did you save any for us?" Mason joked.

"No I ate all of it in like 3 minutes." Isabelle said sarcastically.

"Who knows, you probably could." Mason shrugged.

"I'd throw up."

"Grace, where's the shower?" Isabelle asked suddenly.

"Next door to my room." Mason spoke up.

"There's more clothes in your closet, in your room." Grace said as Isabelle started to walk away.

Isabelle stopped dead in her tracks, Grace said "her" room meaning Isabelle's room. Meaning she basically lives here now.

"Um, thank you." She said just above a whisper and sprinted up the steps.

She found towels in her room and grabbed one, walking into the bathroom.

She closed the door and locked it, running the water.

She stripped from her clothes and climbed into the shower. The hot water felt wonderful on her cold skin, it gave her goosebumps and its not very normal for a vampire to get goosebumps. Well that's because Isabelle wasn't normal. Unlike other vampires she can control her body temperature.

She hadn't noticed she was singing until water got her mouth and she quickly spit it out.

"Gross." She muttered.

She continued singing the song "Howl" by Florence and the Machine because well who doesn't like Florence and the Machine?

As she blindly reached for the shampoo bottle, while still singing she knocked down a bar of soap without noticing it. As she sang the chorus very obnoxiously and loudly into the shampoo bottle, she slipped on the bar of soap.

"FUCK!!!" She screamed as she fell and landed on her butt.

Mason and Grace heard the whole thing and exchanged glances.

"I'll go check on her." Mason laughed and walked up the steps.

Isabelle spit out more water, "Okay I think that's enough shower time."

She stood up and turned off the water, rinsing out her hair.

She pulled back the curtain and grapped her towel, wrapping it around her.

Mason knocked at the door, "Still alive in there?"

"Yeah, but I think I bruised my ass." She said.

He laughed loudly.

"Now can you go in your room or something because I need to get to the gues- I mean my room." Isabelle corrected herself.

"Fine." He said and she heard him walk in his room.

She ran out the bathroom and into her room, closing and locking the door.

She quickly got changed and then there was another knock at her door.

She huffed and unlocked the door, Mason walked in.

"See that's what your supposed to do, not barge in." Mason said.

Isabelle rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah, what do you want?"

"Well I'm going to be nice for the rest of the day, wanna help sharpen my stakes?" He asked.

"Is that what you do for fun?" Isabelle asked.

He shrugged.

"Are you serious? Don't you have video games?" She asked.

"Well yeah, but-" she cut him off.

"Then stop talking and let's play!"

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