Chapter 4

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"And I win again!" Isabelle yelled.

Mason huffed and turned off the TV.

"What? Annoyed you got beaten by a girl?" She asked smiling.

He rolled his eyes, "Out of defense I haven't played since I was 12."

"And I never played in my life."

"Bullshit!" He yelled.

She laughed, "I'm not kidding. I used to watch my brothers play, but I would never."

"So your meaning to tell me, you just learned by watching?"

"It can surprise you how much you can learn by watching than trying."

"But don't you think if you try you can learn more? Watching is good, but it may look easy when its actually hard and it may look hard when its actually easy." Mason stated.

"Yes, but you can watch and understand rather than try and get frustrated. Its sorta like love, you know? If the guy actually pays attention to what the girl likes there's a better chance to win her over. But if he just wings it then there isn't a good chance."

"So you comparing video games to love? So cliché coming from a girl." He mumbled.

"Please I'm far from those typical girls who only look for love and dream of finding there soul mate." She sighed dreamily.

Mason smiled, "You really despise the idea of love huh?"

"I don't despise it, I just don't particularly like it. Soul mates and faith it's all just a myth. You can wait all you want, but your not going to find love come knocking on your door, it's not how it works."

"You came knocking on my door."

"Are you implying that I love you?" She asked, fairly interested in his point of view.

"No I'm saying, that if you did fall in love with me then you'd be proving your own statement wrong because you came knocking on my door. So here's a tip, don't fall in love with me."

She laughed, "That's not going to be hard."

He rolled his eyes, "On a totally different note, how long are you staying here?"

She had to think, she didn't really know. She just knocked on there door because she had no where else to go, maybe she'll stay a week then go out and see if he brothers survived or if she can find a trace of them.

"I don't know, probably a week then I'll be on my way and try to find my family and see if they made it." She shrugged.

"And what if they didn't? What if you find yourself alone again, then what?" He asked.

"I guess I'll have to remember those lessons my dad gave me." She smiled.

"Aren't you afriad?"

"Vampires don't phase me, there nothing but people that drink blood for a living, not that hard to kill if you know the right things."

"You actually think they're people?" He asked disbelieved.

"I think some of them are misunderstood."

"You've got to be kidding me." He mumbled.

"Not all of them are bad. Some could be good, don't goh even think about it? I mean they don't just drink human blood. Animal blood is always a choice."

"And what happens when all the animals are gone? They go for the humans and after were all gone? There's nothing and they die off, but until then we have to kill them on our own."

"You know not everyone is bad or horrible like you see them." Isabelle clenched her fists.

"And what would you know? Vampires tried killing you and your family not to mention one killed your brother."

Isabelle wanted so badly to prove him wrong, to show him what she really was and that vampires like her aren't as bad as he thinks. Yet she knew if she did, he'd kill her instantly.

She swallowed, "I guess your right."

"But what if there were good vampires, would you still kill them even if they wanted to save man kind and side with yo- us." She corrected.

"Good or not, they still deserve to die besides what do you care?"

"I just think that good souls deserve to live."

He laughed dryly, "They don't have souls."

"And you do!?" Isabelle snapped.

Mason furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I-Im sorry I don't know why I snapped." She shook her head.

"Its cool, I get it. Your one of those people that your point of view has to be right or put under consideration."

She smiled, "Is it that obvious."

"Very." He nodded.

"Okay, well since thats over, what do you want to do now?"

"Sharpen my stakes?" He suggested again.

"My god, will you just live a little? If you spend all your time trying to kill vampires you'll miss everything good in life."

"That's all I've known to do."

She sighed, "Movies! What movies do you have?"

"Umm Blade, Abe Lincoln the Vampire Killer-" Isabelle cut him off.

"Anything that doesn't do with killing vampires."

"I have G.I. Joe, all the Fast and Furious's, um The Warriors, The Host-" She cut him off again.

"You have The Host? Isn't that a little too girly for you?" She laughed.

"I'm a person not a heartless machine." He stated.

"Fine G.I. Joe it is." Isabelle said.

"Your into action movies?"

"I told you I'm not like most typical girls, now put it in, I'll make popcorn." Isabelle said walking out his room and downstairs into the kitchen.

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