Chapter 5

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A/N: This chaptet is going to be a little action packed so YAY!


Halfway through the movie Mason and Isabelle heard Grace yell from Isabelle's room.

Isabelle instantly stood up and ran out the room, Mason close behind.

They looked into the room and there stood a vampire, attacking Grace.

"Mother!" Mason yelled and started to run into the room.

Isabelle shoved him out hard and he fell back. Isabelle quickly ran in the room and kicked the vampire and grabbed Grace throwing her out the room. Isabelle ran over to the door, closed it and locked it before they could get in.

"Well if it isn't Isabelle." The vampire smiled.

Let's just say EVERYONE knows Isabelle.

"Get out!!" She yelled.

"What are you doing with humans?" He asked walking towards her.

She hissed at him and tackled him to the ground. He rolled over and pinned her down, she head butted him and and rolled over. She got up and using her incredible speed, she kicked him over, picked him up and threw him out the window.

"STAY OUT!!" She screamed.

She took something sharp and cut herself on her face and arms again.

"ISABELLE!!!" Mason yelled again.

She hadnt noticed he was screaming her name until now.

She unlocked the door and opened it, he immediately pulled her in for a hug which surprised her.

"Are you okay? Where is he?" He asked pulling away.

"Is Grace okay?" Isabelle "huffed"

"Yeah she's fine, what about you? Of course your not okay!" He yelled.

"I'm fine, nothing I can't handle." She smiled "weakly"

"Come on, I'll bring you to my mother." He said grabbing onto her wrist.

"No," She pulled her wrist from his grip, "listen I think it's time for me to go."

"What!?" He asked in disbelief.

"I noticed him, he was one of the vampires that attacks my family. They found me and if I don't leave quick they'll be after you next." She said.

"So what, you expect me to let you get killed!?"

"It's my life or your mother's." She quickly replied.

"I kill vampires almost everyday, its not going to be hard to save both of you."

"What about when a whole army of vampires come?" She asked.

"Jesus Christ, what did you do to get them this pissed?"

"Long story, just promise you'll keep Grace safe." She pleaded.

"Where are you gonna go? Do you even have food, protection, water?" He asked.

"I'll be fine and if not I'll come back okay?"

"Fine, but take some food and water okay?"

"Alright, keep her safe." She said.

"Please don't get killed." He said and she nodded and ran downstairs and out the house.

She took flight and flew back home. Praying that once she got there she would find Luke and Connor sound and safe.

She landed on the familiar steps and burst the door open, running full speed in the basement.

"LUKE, CONNOR!!!" Isabelle screamed.

"Over here!" Luke shouted and she quickly ran over from where she heard his voice, then immediately took a step back when Jake emerged from the darkness.

He chuckled, "Always comes in handy."

"Where are they!?!" Isabelle hissed.

"They're safe, don't you trust me?" He asked, smiling showing his sharp fangs.

"It takes an idiot to trust you!" She snapped.

"Then I guess I have a whole army of idiots then." He shrugged.

"Where's my brothers!?"

"You know its way beneath you to go to humans for help, at least I thought it was beneath you."

"I knew no vampire would take me in, so I decided to go for humans, unlike you they weren't ruthless." She hissed again.

"But did you tell them what you were."

She didn't say anything.

He laughed, "So you didn't and that's why they trusted you, tell me did you get those wounds fighting off a vampire or purposely cutting yourself?"

Her eyes burned with hatred and rage and she flung herself at him.

He easily caught her by her neck and through her across the room, into the the wall creating a small crater.

She rebounded quickly and went again, and he simply just moved out the way.

He grabbed her by the shoulder, attempting to throw her back again, but she grabbed her arm and flipped him over he body. She then locked her hand around his throat and slammed him into the floor, hard enough that it made the ground rumble for five seconds.

She picked him up by his hair and punched him, making him spin. She kicked him and he flew face first in the wall.

He laughed pushing himself off the wall, "So much rage, your considered a weapon."

"Where's my brothers!!?!!" She screamed again.

"With my army, you want them? Go get them!" He yelled and flew out the house.

She screamed in frustration and fury and punched the wall. He was lying her brothers would NEVER join his little army not after what he did to their mother and father.

Then again as much of bullshit as it sounds, Jake never lied and if he did, everyone could tell. And Jake had not been lying. Today she finds a safe place to spend the night in then starts her journey tomorrow.

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