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(Savannah's POV)

"To make a long story short, he took me to an amazing restaurant then we went for a stroll in the park. At the park he asked me to dance with him while listening to music from his earphones, then we kissed and now I'm officially his girlfriend" I squealed, as I finished explaining to Izzy what had happened at the date.

And yes, she was staying over at mine yet again. She practically lives here. I have a special section in my wardrobe where she keeps her clothes for when she is staying and she has a shelf in my en suite bathroom for her cosmetics. If that doesn't explain it, then I don't know what does.

"OH MY GOD THAT IS SO CUTE" she exclaimed, practically screaming the house down. To be honest, I think the boys might have heard her from next door.

"But I need to ask you something" I said, trying to sound serious but it didn't entirely work.


"When are you and James going to finally make a move on each other? Its about time! You two have clearly had a little crush on each other, ever since I introduced you to the boys! Its been years! You two are like so unsociable! If you don't do it then I will personally go talk to James and tell him to make a move first" I said, getting my phone out and beginning to text James.

"DON'T YOU DARE!!!" Shrieked Izzy as she started chasing me around my room to take my phone off me.

"Go to sleep now and be quiet girls! Me and your Mum are trying to sleep, we both have work in the morning" shouted my dad from his bedroom.

Me and Izzy immediately ran to bed and tried to sleep but we couldn't so we just talked.

Then all of a sudden I got a text from Brad:

'Hey, I miss you already ;) Me and the boys can't sleep, do you and Izzy want to stay the night? You can stay in my room, we'll try and get James and Izzy to share a room too ;) xxx'

"The boys want us to stay the night, they can't sleep, do you want to?" I asked Izzy.

"Yeah sure, its better than doing nothing" said Izzy as we both got up and packed overnight bags. Well, I packed an overnight bag, Izzy just picked hers up from the floor.

I texted Brad back saying:

'Yeah sure, we'd love to. We'll be over im a few minutes. P.S. I miss you too ;) xxx'

When we got downstairs, I wrote a note for my mum and dad saying:

'Me and Izzy couldn't sleep so we went to stay over night with the boys. We'll be back tomorrow, though you'll probably be at work. Love you xx'

Once I wrote it, I left it on the kitchen table and we quietly left the house and walked across the driveway to the boys' front door. We didn't know whether to knock on the door or to walk in, so we did both, we knocked then we just walked in.

In the corridor, Brad was already waiting for us, I walked up to him and hugged him tightly as he kissed me on the forehead.

"Aww you two are the cutest thing by the way" said Izzy, which made me blush like crazy so I hid my face in Brad's chest, he found this rather funny for some reason.

"We tweeted that we were doing a twitcam, Its unbelievable how much people are active at 11" said Brad, guiding me into the living room, his arm round my waist. Izzy followed on behind us.

"Well hello there, the newest couple and the third wheel have joined us" beamed Tristan from the sofa, laptop on his knees.

"You better not be live yet!" I exclaimed to Tristan.

"Nope not yet, we will be in 5 minutes though" replied Tris.

I nodded, then I sat on one of the small sofas with Brad, cuddling into him. Everyone was talking between them while me and Brad discussed our plan on how to get Izzy and James together tonight. We came up with a plan, an evil plan. They will probably hate us but it will be worth it.

"We're going live guys" shouted Connor, everyone was now sitting down. Connor, James, Tristan and Izzy sitting on one sofa while me and Brad continued cuddling on the other one. To be quite honest, we were so zoned out that we didn't even notice that the boys were on live.

"Hey guys, we couldn't sleep so we got a couple of friends over and we decided to do a twitcam" James said to the laptop.

"Yeah, so guys I think you should follow our home girl Sav, her twitter is '@SavannahWilson'. She's sitting over there" said Tris, turning the laptop towards me and Brad on the other sofa. I quickly jumped off him, but not in time. Tris turned the laptop round quickly and told everyone to follow Izzy while my twitter notification were exploding.

'Are you and Brad dating?'

'Who even are you and why are you cuddling Brad, ew'

'What about Brad and Sophie?'

'Why are you and Brad cuddling?'

'Yayyy new couple, your so pretty'

After a few minutes, I had like 5,000 twitter followers. The boys were still talking, and laughing and answering questions, avoiding the ones about me and Brad.

I wanted to tell the world, but I knew I couldn't because Brad only tweeted recently that him and Sophie broke up so I decided to get my phone out and tweet something:

'@SavannahWilson - Me and Brad are just really close best friends and I haven't seen him in 4 months, I've missed him but there is nothing more than friendship between us x'

After that, the boys stayed on twitcam for about half an hour, playing games and singing songs.

When twitcam was finished me and Brad knew it was time to begin our evil plan...

I want to make a competition, I want everyone to try and think of a ship name for Savannah and Brad. The best entry, will get a shoutout in 5 of my next chapters.

The next chapter will be all about the evil plan to get Izzy and James together xx

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