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(Brad's POV)

Whilst Sav was having a catchup with the rest of the boys, I got up to go to the toilet. Well thats what I told them I was going to do anyway.

I walked into the kitchen, quickly grabbing a chair, then quietly taking it upstairs with me and leaving it in the hallway upstairs. I tried to put it somewhere where it didn't look too suspicious but in a place that was close enough to the bathroom door.

After I set it up I walked back downstairs and into the living room. I sat with Sav on my lap for a few minutes, she was still having a catchup with the boys.

Then just like we planned, she got up and ran to the toilet, saying she felt sick. Now it was my turn to act.

"Izzy you go and help her, James come with me, I need to get her a glass of water but I can't reach the shelf" I exclaimed, trying my hardest not to laugh because we all knew I could reach it easily, but it was the only thing I could think of.

Izzy immediately got up and ran upstairs but James didn't follow me.

"You so can reach the shelf!" He said, laughing his head off.

"I said COME WITH ME!!" I shouted, pulling James into the kitchen with me. He got a glass of water and filled it up. Then he started walking up the stairs, I was walking behind him.

When we got upstairs, Izzy and Sav were in the bathroom, and James walked in to give Sav the water.

"Actually, I don't feel sick anymore" she said getting up and running out the bathroom, "but I do feel that you two need to have a little chat" she shouted as she shut the bathroom door behind her, leaving Izzy and James in there alone. I quickly grabbed the chair and stuck it under the handle so that they were trapped.

"LET US OUT YOU IDIOTS!" Shouted Izzy, whilst one of them tried to open the door but they didn't succeed.

"Yes!! We did it!" Exclaimed Sav, giving me a high five, then we walked back into the living room, sitting beside Connor and Tris, who had no idea what just happened.

"We've locked them in there overnight, its about time they talked! They clearly like each other!" I said, as Tris and Connor started laughing hysterically.

"Are you actually keeping them in there overnight?!" Asked Connor, still laughing.

"Yep, we are. We'll check on them tomorrow morning" said Sav, who was now sitting on my knees, her head on my chest.

"Good one! Anyway I'm tired so I'm away to bed, don't check on them until I'm awake!" Exclaimed Connor, getting up and going upstairs. Tristan followed on, yawning.

(Savannah's POV)

"Finally some time alone" said Brad, winking as he placed some of my hair behind my ear.

"Slow down, we had quite a long time alone just a few hours ago Bradley" I replied, kissing his cheek gently.

"I know, but I feel we missed out on a lot of time alone when I went to America" said Brad, lifting me up bridal style as he began to walk upstairs towards his bedroom, grabbing my overnight bag on our way.

He carried me into his room and dropped me on the bed.

"I need to get changed" I said getting up and taking my pyjama shorts and over sized jumper out my bag, "wait, their in the bathroom. We didn't think this plan through very well did we".

"Oh trust me, I thought the plan through very well" said Brad, winking while he lifted me back up onto the bed.

"Woah woah woah, bit early don't you think?" I exclaimed laughing, "You turn round while I get dressed under your unusually large blanket".

"Fine" moaned Brad as he turned round and began to undress.

"What are you doing?" I asked. I was now dressed, lying down on the bed.

"I sleep in my boxers" replied Brad with a smirk on his face, we both knew very well that he was lying.

By the way, before any of you think their going to do 'it', their not actually going to, they only started dating that day so its a bit early for that xx

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