Chapter 8: Pairs and Partnerships.Whoa!Watch my Feet

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"Good morning, students. I told you two days ago that you would be working on your assessment project in pairs. The pairs are ready and the list will be pasted on the notice board for those of you who would like to check for yourselves. But first,you have to know what the project is about. You will be working on the different kinds of acid base indicators we have. So,at every practical lesson,each pair chooses an acid base indicator and works on it. At the end of every experiment made,a report should be prepared and submitted to me upon request . You are to take this assessment seriously because it will help in your preparation for your final exam. Is that understood?

"Yes,Mr Parker"

"Good. Now listen up for your names. Rhoda Sanchez, you're paired with William Brooklyn. Emily Greenleaf, you're with Elsie Summers. Michael George,Alice Jones......"

I was anxiously waiting for Mr Parker to call out my name but he wasn't and it was getting kinda boring. I nearly dozed off when I heard..
"Allison Astley, you're with Dionne McCoy."

"WHAT?!", that was Dionne. Trust me,I was more surprised than she was.

"Excuse me,Mr Parker,I can't be paired up with that...that girl". Like I wanted to work with her.

"Sorry,Ms McCoy,but I cannot change the list just because you are not satisfied with who you are partnered with."


"No buts. I am the teacher and I decide who should be with who. Now, would you allow me finish what I'm doing?"

Oh God,I can't believe I've been paired with Dionne. This is gonna be a nightmare. Well, let's see who Jenny gets paired with.

Mr Parker continued,"Ryan Woods, Rosalyn Smith..."
"Jennifer Simmons, Spencer Munroe....."
"Lionel Hart,Tracy Norman..."

So Jenny's with Spencer. I don't think I know him so well. At least, she's gotten a nice partner,I hope.

"Like I said, the list will be pasted on the notice board. Now, let's get on with our lesson for today.."

When it was almost five minutes to the end of the lesson, Dionne asked for permission to leave. She passed by my desk and stepped on my foot,hard,with those heels she was wearing and then pretended to trip.

"Ow",a yelp escaped from my lips.

"What was that?",Mr Parker asked.

"Mr Parker, Allison tried to let me fall",she whined

"Mr Parker, that's not true. Dionne stepped on my foot",I defended myself.

"She's lying"

Mr Parker sighed,"Look, girls,the period is almost over and I don't want to deal with you so just go to Principal Roy's office, both of you."

"But....", this time,it was me.

"Just go!",he commanded.

Oh no, principal's office, again! Dionne has really been getting me into a lot of trouble lately.

I knocked on the principal's office door.
"Come in",he hollered. I sighed and glanced at Dionne who seemed nonchalant about the whole situation meanwhile she's the one who got us into it. We both entered, Dionne entered after me.

"Good morning, Principal Roy"

"Good morning, what brings you to my office?"

"Um,we were sent here by Mr Parker"

"Here we go again", Principal Roy sighed,I think in exasperation." What did you two do?"

And here queen bee chipped in with her fake it's-all-her-fault voice, "Principal Roy, Allysa here"..."Allison",I tried to correct her but as usual,she ignored me and continued her lie. "Allysa stuck her foot out so I would fall when I was leaving the class and I tripped"

"Principal Roy,that is not true, Dionne stepped on my foot"

"And this is why you were sent here?"

"Yes sir"

"So what started or led to this fiasco?"

"Nothing sir. Only because I was paired up with her", I muttered the last part in a hushed tone because I didn't want the principal to hear. It sounded juvenile to me.

"I heard that",oh.

"Miss McCoy, don't you have detention this week"

"Yes sir",she sounded embarrassed

"And you still want to get into more trouble." No reply.

"Well, you'll both hear from me soon. Now get to class. I'm sure your next class has started already because the bell rang a while ago. The secretary will give you both passes. Now out!"

"Thank you,sir."

We got our passes and went to class,at least we don't have the next class together. I had history. I didn't care what Dionne had and I don't think she cared about mine either because she just sashayed off as if nothing had happened.
During lunch,I asked Jennifer about Spencer. He's a good guy and he's also Lionel's friend. Lucky Jenny.

After school, Jenny dropped me home.

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