Chapter 30: We're Out!!

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"Hey",I waved back at Jenny when I spotted her waving at me. My mom dropped me off at school today.

"Are you nervous?"She asked when I caught up with her.

Our results were coming out today and that'll determine whether we'll be graduating or not. Actually,no matter the grades you get, you'll graduate but it'll determine the college you get into so yes I'm hella nervous.

"I have goosebumps so that should say something",I responded

"I know right,I'm so nervous, I can't think straight. I wonder whether I'll pass or not".

"I'm sure we both will,the exams didn't really bully either of us so there's no need to panic."

"I hope so"

"Come on, let's get to class".

The first class was chemistry.

"Good morning class"

"Good morning Mr Parker."

"I'm sure you all want to know your grades. They'll be pasted on the notice board before school ends so you can go and check for yourselves.

Since we're done with everything, we'll just go through the questions, your flaws and aspects most of you excelled in." Most of the students just nodded

"I can't believe you guys are almost out of high school. It's been rough huh"

"Oh yeah", someone responded

"It's been one hell of a ride",I heard another person say.

"The worst four years of our lives are finally over",one girl exclaimed and I couldn't agree more

"That's enough now",Mr Parker shut everyone up.

During the course of my history lesson,I felt something come out of me and I knew my time of the month had arrived. Fortunately,I checked the calendar this morning so I was prepared. I excused myself to go to the washroom and I was right. Thank God I had a tampon.

By the time I got back to class,it was almost lunchtime.




"You kept long in the washroom, anything wrong?"

"Oh no nothing"


"Yeah... I'm starving"

"Me too",she laughed.

When we settled at our table with our food,Jenny spoke up,"So this is practically the last day of school."

"I know right. I can't believe it either."

"So which schools are you applying to."

"Um,I went for Stanford"

"OMG,me too!!"

"That's really cool."


"I'll miss this table". I leaned on the table in an attempt to hug it.

"Me too. We ate here the whole of senior year."


The bell rang and we made our way to the last and final class.


The notice board area was crowded as all the seniors wanted to check their results. We struggled to see but we finally saw our names

I got all A's except History where I had a B. Jennifer had a B's in biology and Calculus but she had A's in all of the others. I checked for Ryan's name and he had straight A's. Wow.

Out of curiosity,I decided to check Dionne's results. Dionne McCoy....I skimmed through. I don't know if it'll be nice to say I wasn't surprised at her grades. Majority of the grades were D's and E's. Astonishingly,she had a B in English,not bad but with the kind of grades she had, she's only good enough to get into a community college.

After checking,we congratulated each other and went to our lockers to get the last of our things.

"Ready to go?"Jenny asks as she met me at my locker. I can't believe this is the last time she's going to say that.

"To leave this place and never come back? More than ready." We were both laughing when Ryan came over.

"Hey guys. Congratulations"

"We should rather be congratulating you. Well done."

"Are you kidding? Straight A's!!"

He just shrugged.

"Um... Ally, will you like to grab a drink before you go home."

I look at Jennifer for her approval and she gives me the go-ahead.


Cool. Then he draped his arm over my shoulders and turned me around

"I'll call you!"Jenny shouted


He took me to a cafe nearby. He ordered iced tea and I took a diet Coke.

"So we're finally done with high school",he started

"Hell yeah." I was just so happy.

He smiled, "Ally?"


"You should say what you said that night,you know, on prom night more often."

"Did I say something?"

"Before you fell asleep in my car, remember?"

Dang it! I don't remember anything. What the hell did I say?

"Um.... could you remind me."

"What? Don't tell me you can't remember" ,he said mockingly.

"Yes,I don't remember. What did I say?"

Not expecting the reply that came from his mouth,I took a gulp of my coke.

"You said,'I love you Ryan'." I spat out the drink, not onto his face of course




My cheeks started heating up and I used my hair to somewhat hide them so he wouldn't see the red in them.

"Aww, you're blushing."

"No,no I'm not",I stammered

"Don't worry,it felt good to hear you say it."

I let my head drop and I smiled.

"Ok we should head home now"

We finished up our drinks and he dropped me home.

"Ally..",I turned


"I love you"

I smiled but I was internally debating whether I should say it back or not.
I figured since I had already said it before, subconsciously,I might as well just give him the benefit of the doubt.

"I love you too Ryan". There!I finally said it.

He grinned and I smiled back before he left.


Hey guys
I'm sure I mentioned that the story has almost ended. Well,it's really really really near the end.

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Thanks for reading

- Jessi

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