Ramen Break

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( You and Tadashi finally hook up!!

This is my first story on WattPad so I hope I did well! Enjoy! )


It had been three days since you had seen Tadashi. He had been cooped up in his lab working on his 'big project'. Last time you had seen him, he looked exhausted with bags under his eyes with plenty of stubble on his face. Even his perfect hair, which was always under his cap, was messy and poking out.

Today you were determined to make him take a break. What he was doing just wasn't healthy, and besides, you missed seeing him. You especially missed him when he didn't go to the movies with you, Fred, Wasabi, Honey-Lemon, and GoGo because he wanted to keep working on his project. You wanted to make that the night to finally tell him how you felt towards him, that you liked him more than just a friend.

You thought of this as you walked up the stairs to Tadashi's lab, a bowl with steaming hot ramen with his favorite pair of chopsticks in it. You stood in front of his lab for a moment before finally knocking on the door, feeling a little nervous knowing tonight might be the night to tell him how you felt. You listened to footsteps, a little stumbling followed by the clanging of metal. FInally, the door to Tadashi's lab opened with, this time, a slightly better looking Tadashi. His stubble was gone and it looked like he got a hair cut, but he still looked  absolutely exhausted.

"(Name)! I mean, (n-name), hey. Please, come right in," You giggled at Tadashi getting all flustered and walked into his slightly messy lab. "Is that for me?" asked Tadashi as he pointed to the bowl of ramen you were holding.

"Of course it is! You've seemed like you've needed a break. I doubt you've eaten a good, hot meal in days," you smiled at Tadashi, who's mouth had curved into the sweetest smile you had ever seem. The way his brown eyes looked at you made you want to melt.

"Oh, (name), thank you," said Tadashi at almost a whisper. His smile became wider and his eyes bore into the steaming ramen as if he hadn't eaten in days. Now that you thought of it, he probably hadn't eaten in days.

Tadashi sat on the couch he had in the corner of his lab and hungrily slurrped up the ramen. You were glad that you put the extra stuff in there like the pork and an egg.

"So, am I a good cook?" you said with a little giggle as Tadashi closed his eyes, really savoring the taste of the food.

"Good cook? You're a great cook! Thanks (name), you're wonderful," said Tadashi as he put his chopsticks in his now empty bowl and hugged you with his free arm. You blushed and smiled, patting his hand that was placed on your shoulder.

"Uh, hey, Tadashi?" you felt like you were going to choke on your own words. Tadashi looked at you and smiled his sweet smile that always made you want to melt.

"Yes, (name)?"

"Well, there's something I really need to tell you..." you began to feel more and more nervous and each word came out of your mouth. Tadashi was looking at you now with a little concert written on his face.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No! No...I just...wanted to tell you...that..." you chewed your lip and took a deep breath.

"TadashiIreallylikeyouandIwanttobemorethanfriends!" you said this quickly and in one breath. Tadashi blinked and just looked at you.

"Wait, um, what?" he hadn't any of that. You sighed and took a deep breath and looked at him in the eyes.

"Tadashi, I really like you and I want to be more than friends," after you said it you looked away, feeling embaressed. You looked at the ground and was about to scoot away from him on the couch you two were sitting on when suddenly you felt his hand on top of yours.Your head whipped around to look at him. God, he was giving you that smile again!

"(Name), I-I've actually been wanted to tell you the same thing," Tadashi said shyly. Your mouth spread into a huge smile as Tadashi squoze your hand.

"Really, you're serious??" you nearly yelled out of disbelief.

"Now, have I ever lied to you before?" said Tadashi with a chuckle. He stood up and brought you with him, not letting go of both of your hands.

"No, I suppose not," you looked at him shyly as he looked back at you. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss on your cheek.

"I would love for you to be my girlfriend (name), will you?"

"Of course!" you jumped up and hugged Tadashi around the neck and he spun you around.

You both could tell that this was the start of something wonderful.

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