Baby Booties

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You and your husband of three years, Tadashi, were sound asleep in your bed. You woke with a start as you remembered something extremely important that both had managed to overlook.

"Tadashi! Tadashi, wake up!" You turned to him and shook his shoulder. He woke up and looked at you.

"What is it? What's wrong? Oh god, the baby's coming...I'll get your bag!" Before Tadashi could jump out of bed you grabbed his wrist to hold him back.

"Noooo, no, no! The baby's not coming for another couple of weeks honey," you giggled as you rubbed your large tummy. Tadashi sighed in relief as he laid his hand on your stomach and rubbed it gently.

"So...what's wrong?"

You immediately snapped back into emergency mode and said, "We forgot to get baby booties at the store today!" Tadashi's face dropped as he raised his brow at you.

"Honey, first of all, I highly doubt there's a single store that's open at," Tadashi looked at his alarm clock and looked back to you, "three in the morning. Secondly, tomorrow's Saturday, we can go first thing to get as many booties as your heart desires, okay?" Said your husband. He started to lay back down but you weren't gonna have that. Nope. Your baby was going to have booties.

"But...what if we forget again? What if the baby comes tomorrow before we go and then his little toes will freeze because we didn't buy him his booties?" Tadashi gave you an exasperated look. "...Please?" You pleaded as you gave Tadashi a long, sweet kiss. As you pulled away his eyes were still closed and he leaned into you, silently pleading for more.

Tadashi opened his eyes and grinned at you. He got up and put on his tan cardigan and slipped on his converse. "I'll be back soon," he smiled his sweet smile at you and gave you a peck on the cheek and he was out the door.

You watched the door close and you turned on your bedside lamp and got out your phone to check the random stuff that everyone seemed to have on their phones these days.

Surprisingly, Tadashi was back in only 20 minutes with a bag full of baby booties. Tadashi smiled and felt proud of his accomplishment by the happy look on your face.

"Wow, hun, that was really fast," you said as he pulled off his cardigan and shoes and sat the bag down on the bed next to you.

"Convenience stores really do sell everything," said Tadashi with a grin as you look through the pairs of booties. Your favorite was a pair of yellow ones with little giraffes on them.

"Have I ever told you that you're the best husband in the world?" You said as you leaned on your husband and wrapped an arm around his torso.

Tadashi pretended to ponder that question foe a second before responding, "Maybe a few times," you giggled as Tadashi poked your cheek and laid his head on top of yours.

"Was it worth it?" You suddenly ask.

"Hm?" Tadashi looked down at you.

"Going to get baby booties at three in the morning because I was convinced that I would go into labor tomorrow and the baby's feet would freeze," you were dead serious, not joking in the slightest. This made Tadashi smile and kiss you. He put his hand on your stomach just in time to feel a light thump on his palm.

"For you and this little guy, anything I do will always be worth it,"

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