||10|| Another Bad Decision

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There are chords in the hearts
Of the most reckless
Which cannot be touched
Without emotion.

Chapter Ten"Another Bad Decision"

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Chapter Ten
"Another Bad Decision"

Scarlett's POV:

Alexander glares down at me, eyes hard and irritated. I grin innocently, taking a few steps away from the bowl filled with cookie dough. I just emptied a second packet of choc chips into the mixture.

It's been a couple days since Alexander opened up about the secret passageway and I've been seeing him a lot more. He's with me for every meal and watches me do my university work more often than not. The only time he hasn't been by my side is when he's baking.

So, I asked him to let me bake with him.

He made the mistake of agreeing.

"No more! Too many!" he makes a deep rumbling sound in the back of his throat. I wave it off, laughing heartily. Alexander is a stickler for following the recipe. I can understand when it comes to measuring sugar or flour, but not chocolate!

"I guarantee they'll taste better this way," I breathe, backing up as Alexander's glare intensifies. The man is petrifying when he's angry. It's a dry anger, where his skin stretches tighter over his bones, his face turns to stone and he suffocates you with silence.

But this anger, the one that's half playful, half a huffy teen who didn't get their way, it's impossible for him to scare me. Especially when he's covered in the flour I threw at him earlier.

"Never let you here again," Alexander bares his teeth, brows slanted heavily. But the twitch of his lips gives him away. "Menace in kitchen!"

I wink, grabbing a rolled ball of cookie dough and popping it in my mouth. It tastes heavenly and unfortunately, a little too overrun with chocolate. I don't admit it out loud, simply giving a disapproving Alexander a dough-filled grin.

"Don't eat from bowl," Alexander takes the mixture away from me, putting it behind him protectively. "Will cook this batch when others have finished cooking. I know if you eat."

I roll my eyes. Honestly, Alexander knowing if I eat from the bowl doesn't surprise me. The man has eyes in the back of his head! It won't stop me, though, because what can he do? Ban me from the kitchen? I think he's already done that.

"Yeah, yeah," I tap my fingers against the bench, listening to the oven tick. We put the first batch of cookies in there ten minutes ago and watching them cook is strangely satisfying.

"Serious, Scarlett. Will not let you eat cooked ones if eat dough!" Alexander warns and I freeze, glaring at the smug bastard. He can't stop me! My eyes waver from his, flickering to the muscled chest and big arms....

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