||37|| Secret Tunnels Just Don't Work for Us

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Is this revenge or justice?
I don't think I know the
Difference anymore.

Is this revenge or justice?I don't think I know the Difference anymore

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Chapter Thirty-Seven
"Secret Tunnels Just Don't Work for Us"

Scarlett's POV:

I don't get any sleep that night. Huddled around the fire-pit and cocooned between Alexander and Kylie, I watch as the stars wink out and the sun starts to peak through the clouds before the other two slowly stir awake.

Kylie grumbles at having to get up, and Alexander has dark bags hanging under his eyes. I'm secretly relieved to know that even if I did sleep, I would be just as unrested as I am now, like them. 

We get ready silently. I tie my shoes tightly, brushing my hair with my fingers and putting it up in a curled bun at the nape of my neck. With nothing left to do, the three of us share a shaky breath and set off into the bushland. I wish it had taken us longer to prepare.

The trees thin out and dirt disappears under layers of grass as we get closer and closer to the farmhouse. We don't pass through it, just in case there are people searching inside, but looking at the bullet ridden walls and remnants of Natalia and Monica's room is bittersweet. 

Alexander doesn't move his stare from in front of him, and I can feel his refusal to look at the place that once brought him a reprieve from his parents; at the place he knew as his home. I grab hold of his hand and squeeze briefly, but otherwise say nothing.

"Step as light as you can, there are guards a couple kilometres ahead," Alexander says, eyes glowing as he glares through the trees, seeing something we can't. He doesn't stop in his stride, and I frown, raising a brow with Kylie.

Stepping quietly is a lot easier when you're a wolf, whose natural habitat is in the bushes. Alexander knows exactly where to stand so he won't make any noise, and it's not like it'd be practical for Kylie and I to walk in his footprints.

Alexander doesn't realise our problem, he just keeps walking in an effortless, silent prowl that makes me wish I could move like that. I roll my eyes and ask the earth to absorb our steps, as if we're walking on clouds.

The silence that comes with that is unnerving, like without the sound of our steps something bad will jump out at us.

"How will we know when we get close enough to the tunnel? And what part of the oval is it in?" I feel the need to whisper the closer we get to the prison.

"I know it's in the oval. I figured the earth would tell you where it is," Alexander takes a little while to respond, throat bobbing with his audible swallow. I hiss a curse under my breath, glaring up at him.

He doesn't look at me.

"In other words, you have no idea where it is, and if I can't find it then we're screwed?" I grumble, resisting the urge to hit the innocent smile off his face. Kylie watches us with muted interest, torn between being angry at Alexander or amused.

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