Love is a unique war

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Love is a war
Its a kind of war
That has passion
Desire and fantasies
Its a battle worn by the lover
With sweet words
Before they turn sower

Love is a war
The kind of war
Where we begin as strangers
Then become acquintances
Advancing to the best of friends
And settling as friends of the heart, lovers
Before we realize its not them
We fight, then break up and eventually start back bitting

Love is a battle
The kind of battle
Where the hearts pour feelings
In most cases never reciprocated feelings
Forming an endless circle
Which sires seeds
Of envy and malice

Love is a fight
The kind of fight
Where you are broken
Perfectly broken like pieces of glass
And you still look beautiful
Especially with fake smiles
And forged feelings

We fall in love
With high expectations
That one day we will find forever and happiness
Every little lie you lie brings us closer to goodbye.
And I am never good at goodbyes
Because it is never good

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