I am coward
Thats what I tell myself
Most of the time
Maybe its even the truthMaybe you wanted me
To fight for you
Like I always said I would
Thats why you walked away
And wait for me to fight for youMaybe you were tired of me
How am I supposed to know?
That you decided to vanish
In the thin air
Without even a traceMaybe you were scared
Of the things we would become
Of the things to come
Of when I would walk away from you
That you decided to take the first leaveMaybe you were taking a break
Because you are not sure anymore
If I am still the right one for you
If its me that you wanted not a replica of me
If our relationship is worth a try
If I am still worth the shot
If your heart still beats the same way like before
If your knew found love is true to the words they proclaim
If forever is still on our tonguesMaybe its the work of fate
The cruel fate
That decided to poke with our feelings
My unkown lover
I miss you
If only you knew
But you're unkown.
My Unknown Lover
PuisiWe break up just to make up, this won't be our first time it could be the second or our third time but its not the last time. You said some things I said some things too. I hurt your feelings and you hurt mine and I dont know what is worse. Even the...