6. Deposits

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{Brandi's P.O.V:

I'll make everything up to Chris once I finally get my baby out of jail.
I was so delirious I almost forgot about this deal I made with Kandice, I told her that she has a week to give me my money but I'm giving the bitch 48 hours. As a matter of fact I'm gonna stop by her house real quick...I'm already in her neighborhood.
As I was driving by house to house I saw Trey pulling out of the driveway and speeding off. He's probably going to fuck his other niggas. One thing I can say about Trey is that he always had amazing taste in men.

Once I pulled up to Kandice house I parked and got out the car before I decided to walk up to the front door.

I rang the doorbell and patiently waited...

What is taking this girl so long, I'm pretty sure she's here. I know I'm not stupid enough to go to the wrong damn house.
Even though I kept ringing the doorbell I still didn't get a response.

Maybe Kandice isn't home.

I guess I'll just stop by tomorrow then.

Walking back to my car I got this weird feeling, something in my mind told me not to leave. Something was wrong.

I walked around to the back of her house and I took the key out of my pocket so I could open the back door.
Yes, I have a spare key to Kandice house... little does she know, I was the real reason why she got this house for a cheap ass price. But I'll keep that to myself for now because there's a lot of shit that I control without nobody knowing.

I'm like a ghost....Nah I'm just playing, but I did help Kandice get approved for this house when they first moved here...mainly because Chris begged me but that's not here nor there.

This was around the time he was trying to be the 'family man' and be with his son, meanwhile he was fucking me....

But I'm past all of that nonsense.

Anywho, once I got inside I put my hands in my pockets and quietly walked around the house.

I walked upstairs and heard crying...

I followed the sound until it grew louder and louder then I saw a door wide open.
I saw Kandice on the floor naked just crying her eyes out.
Well I can put two and two together, so by seeing Trey come out the house so quickly and her naked on the floor crying....obviously he raped her.

Deep down I felt bad because I would never wish this on my enemies but at the same time, fuck this trifling ass bitch.

"I'm okay, just leave" I heard Kandice say in a low raspy voice.

I knew she was lying and it made me chuckle inside because she really thought that I would believe that shit, Its obvious that she's in pain.

I smirked "I don't think you're okay hun, your laying on this floor butt ass naked with blood covering certain parts of your body"

"No I'm fine!"

I furrowed my eyebrows "Well since your fine then you can give me my money"

After saying that I put my hand out waiting for her to give me what was mine.

"My pants"she pointed over, "Everything you need is in my back pocket....if you look over you see a picture that's face down....turn it over"

After that Kandice began to laugh her pain away.

Confused, I picked up the picture and looked at it "Is this some kind of sick joke?"

"I fucking wish! Both of my children's fathers are gay....I don't know how long this shit has been going on behind my back!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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