Chapter 3

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They were having a very peaceful time while enjoying the meal. Although they had already eaten when arrived, they were starving.

The gang were talking while having dinner.
Brooklyn was feeling herself a bit uncomfortable due to she had on one side Sage and on the other side Steph, who wouldn't stop chatting wit her.

Brooklyn was pretty quiet and that's weird cause she's always talking, but she was looking at Sage who wasn't eating.

- Why don't you eat? - asked Brooklyn to her girl while approaching towards her.

- I'm not hungry at all. - answered a rude and angry Sage almost without looking at Brooks. She was mad cause her girl was looking at another girl.

- But you must eat Sage. - said a worried Brooklyn while putting her hand on Sage's hand.

But the second Sage felt her hand she stood up apologizing first for leaving the table.

- Excuse me. - said before leaving the house.

Brooklyn paralyzed and looked at her friends who looked at her back in confusion. They didn't know what was happening with Sage, it was weird, she's not like that. She's shy and very respectful.
Looking at their expressions Brooks decided to go look for Sage.

- I'm gonna get her, excuse me. - said Brooklyn while standing up to go look for her girl.

Stephanie was smiling knowing the madness of that situation was because of her, but she found that moment really entertaining.

- Don't worry, go look for your friend. - said the old lady very kindly.

Everybody kept eating although Aliyah was very worried so she looked at the door sometimes hoping the girls would come back in soon.

Sage was furious and sad. She needed to be alone so she was walking around the house trying to breathe some fresh air and calm herself down. She knew her girl had only eyes for her, but she was really pissed at Brooks reaction on that gorgeous girl with model body.

- OMG Sage, What the H...? - said to herself. She was starting to realize that Steph also got her attention in a certain way because of the way she just described her. But was so focus on Brooklyn that that feeling caught her by surprise.

- Sage! Sage!

Sage heard her name from away and she perfectly knew who that voice belonged to. But she didn't want to see her, she was mad at her.

- Sage, please, answer, Where are you? I know you're somewhere near and I just want to talk to you and check if you're OK.
I'm really sorry if I did anything to bother you. - said Brooklyn out loud, she knew Sage was close so she was able to hear her.

Of course she was listening to her, she was just few steps away from the house, but due to the darkness around lighten up just by the moon she couldn't see her.

Sage noticed Brooklyn's worry in her voice and decided to come back.

There she was turned around looking for Sage.

- What do you want? - said Sage not in a mood.

- F*ck! You scared me! - said Brooklyn afraid of the sound of a voice behind her.

When she turned around she saw an angry Sage with arms crossed, and she didn't like to see her that way.

- I'm truly sorry, I just looked at her like the rest did. - Brooklyn tried to excuse herself.

Sage didn't answer, she was just looking at her very serious.

- Tell me you didn't look at her... - said Brooklyn, everyone looked at that girl, so she thought that so did Sage.

Sage just realized few minutes ago that she looked at her too in a certain way, but she was more focus on Brooklyn drooling for Steph. So at that moment in front of Brooks she blushed.

- You even dropped the glass! I was next to you, you know? and you didn't even stop. - said Sage quickly and totally ignoring Brooklyn's question, she didn't want to admit that she looked at Steph too.

- I already apologized, you know you're the only one to me. I didn't do anything, just looked at her. But if it bothers you I won't do it again. - said Brooklyn taking Sage by her ponytails and playing with them. She was starting to show off her charm so Sage quit the anger.

Sage smiled, it was working, actually it always worked. Brooklyn was her weakness, and she knew, so she was taking profit of it.

Brooklyn started raising her hands til Sage's face and made her look into each other's eyes.

- You're the only one I love, and you know it. - said Brooklyn while approaching towards her. She was feeling Sage's weakness and how she started to let that wall between them fall down.

- Brooklyn, stop, somebody could see us, we've already talked about it. - said Sage worried about Stephanie or someone else seeing them. They didn't know how those people saw that kind of relationship.

- I don't care! I'm never gonna stop loving you or showing you my love just because we're in a new city. - said Brooklyn doing a foreheadpromise.

- Oh, and by the way I intend to kiss you, now and forever. - said Brooklyn approaching to her girl's lips.

She put her lips on Sage's, which ones were very cold due to that cold night. But her lips were warm enough so Sage soon was all warmed up. They started enjoying that kiss and Brooks felt Sage's need when this last one grabbed her by the neck and pushed her closer.

Brooklyn went all in and slipped the tongue. They were enjoying that kiss very much when Sage suddenly took a little step away, she was starting to feel the heat and needed to breath so they needed to stop.

- Brooks, we should go back inside. I'm sure they're about to go look for us cause we're taking so long. - said Sage with an accelerate voice.

Brooklyn smiled when seeing how nervous and hot Sage was and knowing it was because of her. She loved her and wasn't gonna lose her by any chance. Sage was the best thing that ever happened to her.

- Yeah, you're right, let's go back inside. - held Sage's hand and went inside.

Follow me on Twitter: @hosie_legacies

Translated by: a_e_008

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