Part 1

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A/N This book is only 12 chapters so I will post the first 6 tonight and the next six tomorrow hope you enjoy!

Lauren was the queen bee of the school, at the very top of the social ladder. She was beautiful, she was smart, she was rich, she was evil. Behind that smirk of hers was a girl looking for an outlet. Someone to spill all of her secrets to, someone who would hold her close at night and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, someone who would do things for her without expecting something in return.

Camila was the nerd of the school, at the very bottom of the social ladder. She was a solid 6, she had average grades, she wasn't rich (but she wasn't exactly struggling either), she was an angel of sorts. Behind her smile was a broken girl just looking for love. Someone she could smile with, someone who would wipe away her tears and tell her everything was going to be okay, someone who would stay up with her on the nights she couldn't sleep, someone who would look past all the bad things and just love her for her.

Opposites attract.


Dear diary,

There is a time in everyone's life where they question their sexuality. At least... That's what I keep telling myself. Send help.

Lauren huffed as she closed her diary, tucking it away under her bed. Her mind was a confusing mess, her heart even more so. No matter how hard she tried to think of something else, images of that damn nerd kept coming back to her. Those soft, pink lips. That straight-as-she-ain't, dark brown hair. 

She couldn't help but blush at the thought of those arms wrapping around her, pulling her closer until those perfect lips finally met hers in a heated kiss. Those lips slowly moving lower and lower, leaving small hickeys and bites all over Lauren's body, marking Lauren as hers.

Maybe that's what would've happened if Ty hadn't pounded on the door, loudly announcing that the seven minutes were over.

Lauren closed her eyes, letting out another huff as her mind began to replay what exactly had happened only a few hours ago.


Lauren held a plastic cup in her hand filled with some mystery alcohol. As she took small sips of her drink, she looked around the room, trying to spot someone or something of interest. All she found was a small group of people seated in a circle on the ground playing spin the bottle.

"What are we, 10?" She asked herself, snickering softly at her little joke. She quickly chugged the rest of whatever alcohol was in her cup before throwing it behind her and walking over to the circle, taking a seat next to some greasy nobody. She sat, legs crossed, with a small smirk on her face.

"Welcome, Lauren!" Ty gave her a small smile before tossing the empty bottle towards her, "Wanna take a spin?"

She rolled her eyes before setting the bottle in the middle of the small circle, giving it a little twist. In the back of her mind, she halfheartedly prayed it wouldn't land on Ty. She should've prayed that it wouldn't land on her.

As the bottle came to a slow stop, Lauren's light green eyes looked up. Green met brown. A beautiful, deep brown. Lauren felt herself slipping, felt herself getting lost in the brown. She wasn't complaining.

Ty let out a loud laugh while standing up and walking over to a small door, opening it. "Ladies...welcome to heaven."

Lauren closed her eyes for a moment before reaching over, grabbing the hand of her "partner". She stood, so did the girl. She walked towards the closet, she quickly followed. She closed the door, the girl sat down.

"Greetings and salutations," she finally spoke up, their voice soft and laced with obvious nervousness, "Are we actually going to...y'know?"

Lauren giggled before taking a seat next to her.

"No, we aren't." Her voice was firm, but still held a hint of playfulness.




Lauren opened her mouth but couldn't find any words to say, so she quickly closed it. She was sure her cheeks were a dark red. She wasn't expecting her to say that.

"Come again?" Her voice was soft, softer than she liked.

"I said," She looked at her, Lauren could practically feel the blush spreading, "I'm disappointed you don't wanna kiss."

Lauren's mouth felt dry, she licked her lips.

"Why should we?"

"Isn't that the whole point of even going in here?"

"I... Suppose."

"I won't force you if you don't want to, I'm just speaking the truth here. You're cute, we're in a closet, we got seven minutes of privacy."


She shuffled awkwardly, trying to turn her body to face Lauren without accidentally touching her. It would've been funny if Lauren wasn't so concentrated on her currently racing heart.

"I'm Camila. Who are you?"

Lauren gently shook her head, trying to collect her thoughts.



"Excuse me?"

"Cute name."


Camila gave a small 'mhm'.

"Were you...being serious about the kiss thing?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you wanna-"

Lauren was cut off by Camila's lips on hers. Lauren could taste a small amount of alcohol on her lips, Lauren was sure Camila could taste the same thing on hers.

The kiss was gentle and firm at the same time, it was eager to go further, to explore, but also ready to leave at the slightest hint of discomfort. Lauren grinned slightly, placing her hands on Camila's sides. She gently tugged Camila forward, Camila was practically straddling her at this point. For the second time this night, Lauren wasn't complaining.

Camila placed her hands on Lauren's still red cheeks as she began to gently nibble on Lauren's bottom lip, Lauren could only let out a grunt of approval as her mind began to cloud over.


They jumped away from each other as if they had been caught doing something they weren't supposed to. Camila ended up hitting her head, nothing serious but enough to make her let out a soft "ouch."

Ty could be heard laughing outside the door, Lauren made a mental note to get him back for this.

Lauren stood up, giving Camila one last glance before opening up the closet door and stepping out to a smiling Ty.

"How was heaven, Lauren?"

Lauren huffed slightly, crossing her arms.

"We didn't do anything. I'm not gay."

Ty could only laugh as he handed her a plastic cup filled with alcohol, "Sure, sure. You keep telling yourself that."

She ignored him, instead chugging down the alcohol in the cup and walking off, leaving a still laughing Ty and a very confused Camila behind her.


Lauren held her pillow close to her as she slept that night. For once, she didn't dream of black. She dreamed of blue.

A deep, beautiful, dark brown.

A/N THIS STORY DOES NOT BELONG TO ME, this story was written by ToastyWasteland6 ! Go check out her page for the original story!

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