Part 12

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Dear diary,

Hard to believe this all started only a few months ago. I never really thought I would meet the love of my life in high school, let alone that it would end up being a girl and I would marry her before the end of the year.

It kinda feels nice knowing I won't be alone out there when all of this is over. That I'll have someone I can lean on. It's been a rough year, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't love every second of it.

Here's to forever with my beautiful Camila. I love you.


Lauren nervously pulled at her tux/pantsuit, the few doubts in the back of her mind rising steadily to the surface with each passing second that Camila wasn't near her. Sure, she knew Camila would get there eventually but it still felt like torture as time ticked on at an agonizing pace.

It hadn't really dawned on Lauren until this day that she was actually getting married to the woman she loved, that from this point on it was basically a solid promise to be with Camila until she died. And how exactly did Lauren start all of it? By buying Camila a god damn candy ring that didn't even last a week!

Speaking of rings...

The diamond one she had bought for Camila was like a weight in her pocket, a constant reminder of the decision she was about to make and how her life would be affected by it. One word could ruin all of this, one word and Camila could walk out of her life forever.

Well, it was really too late to start thinking about all of this now. She had been the one who wasted her money on a candy ring, and she had been the one to track Camila down just to give said ring to her, she had also been the one who insisted that Camila get a more expensive one because "Expensive is better and it shows who the fuck had you first. Me. Lauren fucking Jauregui". This had been her idea, after all, she really shouldn't be the one getting so worked up over it.

Lucy leaned over the massive tower of history textbooks that she had set up as an altar of sorts, her arms were loosely crossed over each other and a snarky smile sat comfortably on her lips as she eyed the nervous Lauren. When Lauren had first announced that she planned on having her wedding in the school, Lucy was the first to know and the first to pick what role she wanted to be. She had practically blurted out "Preacher!" Before Lauren had even finished her sentence.

But that's Lucy for you.

"You don't have to worry so much, Lauren. I'm sure she's just fixing her hair or something."

Lauren nodded, trying to forcibly calm her nerves down.

"I know. I just can't help it, though."

Lucy shrugged as she stared at her nails, bored out of her mind.

"At least when I get married- if I do- I know for a fact that I'll be the one making him worry. A girl has to take her time getting pretty for such a big occasion."

"She shouldn't have to take so long getting ready, Lucy. She's beautiful no matter what."

"She just wants to show off. All girls do when they get married."

"What? Really?" Lauren frowned slightly, now turning her attention to Lucy.

Lucy chuckled softly, "Really. All girls do it... I never really understood why maybe they just wanted to make the other girls jealous?"

"Camila isn't like that though. I don't understand why--"

Normani let out a dramatically loud groan before Lauren could finish her sentence, causing both Lucy and Lauren to turn around and stare at her.

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