Part 2

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Dear diary,

This girl is on my mind 24/7. It's like she's on every single channel on the TV and I'm just sitting there, flipping through them. The sickest part about that is the fact that I'm not even sick of watching.

She, for some reason, just rooted inside my brain and refused to get out. I think I might have a problem on my hands...and I'm not even complaining about it. Maybe I should talk to Lucy? Ugh, she must be corrupting my thoughts, too.


Lauren shuffled awkwardly down the hall, holding her books close to her chest as she tried her very best to look like her usual confident self. This wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't for the fact that Camila was just ahead of her, walking without a care in the world to her next class.

If she even knew how much that drunken(?) kiss had screwed with Lauren...she would probably still be walking like a normal person.

"She's just like all the others - she just has boobs and softer lips." Lauren couldn't help but compare her to everyone else. Deep inside, Lauren knew it was wrong, but that didn't stop her.

Lauren was far too deep in thought to be watching what was in front of her. She trusted the nerds and losers alike would move out of her way when she walked, sadly, one nerd had other plans.


Lauren had tripped over something. Someone. It didn't matter, Lauren Jauregui had just tripped.

Lauren was ready to kill whoever made her trip, she was ready to give them the coldest glare the world had ever seen, she would've...if that person wasn't Camila - the person she had just been thinking about.

Camila looked up from collecting her books, her eyes almost instantly locking onto Lauren's. Lauren was sure she was blushing.

"Y-You..." She began to speak, mentally cursing herself for stuttering.

Camila cut her off, "Lauren?"

Lauren shook her head slightly as she stood. "Who else?" She offered a hand to Camila, giving her an almost friendly smile.

Camila blushed slightly as she took the female's extended hand, she blushed, even more, when the female pulled her to her feet without effort.

Lauren took a step back once she noticed how close they were, she decided to play it cool by casually brushing her hair back. "'s up?" She asked.

Camila grinned slightly, "Does the Queen of Highschool actually care?" She teased.

"Not usually when it comes to nerds like you, but you're a special case. I know this might come as a surprise to you, but I really do care."

Camila looked down as a big smile broke across her features. "Thanks, Lauren."

Lauren nodded before realizing that the female couldn't see her, "Anytime."

Boy, was this getting awkward?

It was as if Lucy had heard Lauren's prayers because she suddenly popped up behind Camila, giving the poor girl a scare.

"Lauren." She looked at Camila with a small frown, "...Nerd."

"Lucy. What a pleasant surprise."

Lauren's voice was cold, cold enough to kill.

"Was I interrupting something?"

"Yes, actually, you were. I was just about to give Camila," She nodded to Camila, "My number."

"What?" Lucy took a step back from Camila as if she had some sort of contagious disease. "Lauren, are you okay? You're giving your number to a nerd!"

Lauren wasn't listening as she quickly wrote down her number on a small piece of paper, she handed it to Camila.

"I feel perfectly fine."









Your name sucks :p


You suck.


You swallow.


Real mature.


You know it lol ;)

A/N THIS STORY DOES NOT BELONG TO ME, this story was written by ToastyWasteland6 ! Go check out her page for the original story!

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