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Cover and Title: 5 marks

- does it contain a title and author name?

- is it eye catching?

- does the title match the cover?

- is the title interesting?

Summary: 5 marks

- does it introduce the characters, stakes and conflicts?

- does it make you want to read more?

Spelling: 5 marks

- are words spelt correctly?

- are words misused?

Vocabulary: 5 marks

- is the language too basic?

- is the writer trying to hard to seem 'professional' with their words?

- does the writer vocabulary seem strong or weak?

Grammar and punctuation: 10 marks

- is the story well edited?

- are the punctuations used properly?

Creative phrasing: 10 marks

- do the sentences make sense?

- is the first line in each paragraph interesting?

- are the sentences complete?

Plot development: 10 marks

- are there plot holes?

- does the story flow from one chapter to another?

[FOR POETRY, this will be replaced with fluency]

Characterisation: 10 marks

- do the characters grow throughout the story?

- are the characters flawed?

[For poetry, this will be replaced with tone/mood. Is the mood/tone being achieved? Do you feel the tone/mood of the poems?]

Character interactions/relationship: 10 marks

- does the dialogue seem forced and unrealistic?

- do characters feel too familiar?

[For poetry, this will be replaced with clarity. Are the poems clear enough? Is it too vague?]

Creativity/Originality: 10 marks

- is the story cliché?

- is it something you've never read before/something you didn't expect.

Writing quality: 10 marks

-does the writing evoke feels and emotions?

- do they use accurate descriptive words to describe scenes, people, places, etc?

Enjoyment: 10 marks

- how much did you love it?

Total: 100 marks

If you have any questions, ask here or private message me.

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