Chapter Twenty Six

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Less than a week... yay? Sorry.

Anyway I wrote this chapter right after reading an actual Keepers book so the style might be more Shannonish than usual... yay?

Crowd- Please, like you could ever begin to write like our Queen Shannon.


Okay, this is a pretty long chapter: Enjoy!

"Would someone mind explaining why Miss Foster is looking at Councillor Oralie like she's about to inflict on her?" Bronte asked. Sophie bit her tongue, attempting to stop looking at her point-of-contact-but-definitely-not-mother as she morphed her face into something hopefully more pleasant. It had seemed like such a blessing to receive Oralie as a point of contact for her regency position at the beginning- and for what must have been the millionth time, she wished things could have gone back to the way they were before.

Well, honestly, she sort of wished things could have gone back to how they were before being kidnapped by the Neverseen. When she was where she truly belonged, but without having to constantly worry about fighting wars and not dying.

But then again, if she stayed that way forever, she never would have met Tam or Linh, or Sandor, and she wouldn't be nearly as close with Fitz or Keefe.

Would she go back in time if she had the choice?

Sophie didn't know.

But she definitely had more pressing matters to focus on right now.

"Your grumpiness must be contagious, Bronte," Oralie lied smoothly. Had she still liked Oralie, Sophie probably would have burst out laughing from the combined hilarity of the comment and Bronte's expression, but now, all her lips did was twitch up. It was funny. But Oralie's betrayal still lingered in the air, making her unable to fully laugh. Oralie's slight smirk saddened at seeing Sophie's reaction, and Sophie might have felt a twinge of pity for her.

But probably not.

Sophie tugged at an eyelash, hoping the rest of her friends- well, team, because Stina was there too- would hurry up and get there. Wherever "there" was- Sophie knew they were somewhere in Eternalia, but she wasn't quite sure which fancy castle she was in. They all looked the same to her. Team Valiant probably could have had the meeting at Havenfield- but when she contacted Bronte about setting up a meeting, he insisted that the councillors be present for this one. And in addition to just not wanting councillors in her house- because that would be pretty weird- she definitely didn't want her parents to interact with Oralie, especially now that they knew.

Why was her life so complicated?

The desire to have that question answered deepened as she saw the bedazzled door open and close on its own. Although she had lived in the Lost Cities for years, it still took her a second to realize that a Vanisher had opened it. Her suspicions were confirmed when a Biana-like voice announced "Lady Fos-Bos! Good to see you."

Despite her annoyance, Sophie felt her lips twitch up. She forced the smile back down. "Stop calling me that."

"Oh, Fos-Bos, you know you love it!" Biana teased.

It was all Sophie could do to keep from dissolving into laughter. "Seriously, stop calling me that! Or I'll come up with a really stupid and annoying nickname for you too!"

"Now I'm intrigued. Tell me, what terrible nickname are you planning to use as retaliation?"

Sophie hadn't gotten that far in her plan. Luckily, she was saved by Dex entering and going "Ooh! Are we coming up with fun nicknames for Biana?"

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