Chapter Thirty Four

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Dkldjgaadlskjfaoierualeikfjsadklf I forgot to post the chapter on Wattpad. Ahh! I'm such an idiot. I blame quarantine.

This chapter consist of basically fluffy Sokeefe, and at the end you get to find out who died!

If you have any theories, put them here: --->


"Foster, I told you that you were going to need an Elwin visit."

"Shut up," Sophie replied groggily. Even as she was drifting in and out of consciousness, Keefe's teasing made her want to roll her eyes- if she could find the strength to open her eyes. Although she had probably been asleep, she felt like she had just run a marathon and then decided to take up boxing or wrestling or something. In other words, very, very sore. Her head hurt, her limbs hurt, everything hurt.

"She speaks!" Keefe declared, his voice more full of relief than excitement.

"Whatever. It's too early for this," Sophie groused. She was tired. Very tired. Why would anyone want to wake up and face the world while feeling like they had been attacked with a sledgehammer, when they could rejoin the wonderful, blissful world of sleep? And it wasn't like she really had a choice- even if she wanted to wake up, she would probably fall asleep in the middle of doing something. She squeezed Ella, too exhausted to wonder who gave it to her, and starting falling back asleep.

"It's like ten o' clock at night, Foster."

"Well, I'm tired," she mumbled, barely audible.

"Okay, Sophie. You can go back to sleep."


"Keefe, you know you can go places other than here, right?" asked Elwin's voice.

"I want to stay with Sophie." She felt something squeeze her hand.

"I'm going to force you to leave at some point, you know."

"I'd like to see you try."

Sophie yawned, interrupting whatever Elwin was about to say. It took her a second to realize that she was in the Healing Center after the Neverseen attacked in Gildingham, and a second longer to register how sweet it was that Keefe refused to leave her side. "Keefe?"

"Foster? Sophie?"

Somehow, she found the strength to open her eyes. After blinking a few times, she looked around the room. Not that she really needed to look around- she had been in the Healing Center too many times to count. Keefe was sitting right by her bed, looking like he hadn't slept in a while. Questions started spilling from Sophie's mouth. "What happened in Gildingham? Is everyone okay? How long have I been out? What-"

"Um... it's been about... Elwin, how many hours?"

"Almost a day," Elwin answered.

Almost a day! She had been out for that long? Although she felt pretty awful right now, it didn't come close to the top of her list of Very Painful Injuries. It was probably worse than she thought if she had spent nearly twenty four hours unconscious. And she had missed the rest of the battle- mallowmelt, she hoped the rest of it went well.

"Okay. It's been almost a day. Their charger, who's name is evading me as of right now, managed to electrocute you."

So that was what electrocution felt like. Sophie had actually wondered about that, every time an adult told her to get out of the pool in a lightning storm or warned her not to get too close to an electrical outlet. After experiencing it, she felt pretty safe saying that electrocution was not an experience she would care to repeat.

Elwin sighed. "I keep thinking you've finally found all the ways to injure yourself in weird and dangerous ways, and you keep surprising me. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm surprised at this point."

"Elwin, Elwin, Elwin. Foster will never stop with the weird injuries. That's just a fact of life. This place is called the Foster Center, after all."

Sophie sighed, not able to argue with Keefe's constant jokes about how often she ended up here- her hideous opening ceremonies picture remained on the walls, to her dismay. It was definitely true that she got injured a lot. Though she couldn't resist pointing out, "I thought we renamed it to the Foster-Keefe center." There had at least been discussion of doing so. Sophie got injured more than anyone else, but Keefe definitely came in second.

"Maybe. Team Foster Keefe is always the best," Keefe declared.

Sophie smiled. "Indeed it is," she agreed. "You didn't finish answering my questions."

"Okay. So. I will narrate from when you got electrocuted. Biana and I freaked out, but like, in a levelheaded way. Biana leaped you over here, explained it to Elwin, and came back as fast as she could. Since she had already clocked the Mesmer- Gemma Osborne, I think her name was- a lot of the humans were no longer mind controlled. I think we're going to try to make it seem like just a crazy dream for them. We won pretty easily after that. I don't quite know if anyone died, but I've seen everyone in our friend group since after the fight ended, and they're all fine. Well, Glimmer was a little beaten up, but mostly fine."

Sophie exhaled, shoulders slumping with relief. "Thank mallowmelt," she sighed.

"I'm glad that this Foster emergency wasn't as bad as it usually is. You woke up after less than a day!" Keefe softened. "I'm really glad you're okay, Sophie."

The use of her first name made Sophie blush. "Um- I- you too. I'm really happy that you're okay too. When your mom made you leave with her, I thought you wouldn't come back for a really long time. If ever." Her hand, as always, had returned to her eyelashes and was tugging. Her blush deepened when Keefe brushed some hair out of her face. Sophie realized how terrible she looked, but she was too exhausted and relieved to really care.

Elwin cleared his throat, alerting Sophie and Keefe to the fact that they weren't alone. Both of them jumped backwards, blushing furiously. "Yeah, I'm just going to... go now," Elwin said awkwardly, backing away towards his office. "Congratulations on finally figuring it out! And Sophie, good luck when your dad finds out!"

"Right. I forgot about how your dad is going to kill me. Crap."

"Only if you hurt me," Sophie said. "I already told him about... whatever we are."

"And I'm still alive?!" Keefe gasped. "I guess miracles do exist. But then again, I already knew that- how else would you like me?"

Sophie blushed. "Keefe... what exactly are we? Like are we 'hopefuls,' or girlfriend and boyfriend, or-"

"Girlfriend and boyfriend sounds amazing," Keefe said. "If you're okay with that."

"I- um- yes. Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend."

She and Keefe were just leaning in to kiss when Mr Forkle walked in. "You kids need to stop it with your love drama for like two minutes," he grumbled. "Keefe, I have some... news."

"Is it good news or bad news?" Keefe asked, obviously suspecting bad news. Sophie took his hand.

"It's both," Me Forkle answered.

When he didn't continue, Sophie squeezed her boyfriend's (!) hand tighter and asked "So... what is it?"

She never would have guessed it to be "Lady Gisela is dead."

And yes, that is the person I decided to kill off. I hate her and I'm very glad she's dead. How about you guys?

aND DID YOU LIKE THE FLUFFY SOKEEFE!? I, personally, liked how they actually took the time to make sure both were comfortable with the girlfriend/boyfriend label, unlike A CERTAIN CHANDELIER CRACKER! *Breathes heavily* Okay. I'm okay. But Wonderboy won't be. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Um... I'm not psychotic, I promise! Hey! Don't lock me in a mental asylu-

Oh well. Please comment! --->

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