Chapter 4: Call me whatever you like...

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*Harry's POV*

A couple weeks had gone by and the boys had been having the time of their lives on the island. Long days by the sea, goofing around with each other at a different house every day, going for drinks and dinner, and just enjoying a relaxing summer with no responsibilities aside from the occasional work shifts. Harry was actually at work now, slinging ice cream in his mother's shop. He was wearing a plain white tee and black skinny jeans behind a candy-striped apron and his growing hair pulled back into a small bun. Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn came bustling into the shop and a chorus of "Ayeee!" ringing out as they greeted him. "Hey guys, how do you like my outfit?" I asked them, waggling my brows and throwing a wink at Niall. I watched the blond lad blush and smirk at me, "You're just the prettiest lass on the whole island, bun and all," he retorted while the others laughed at his response. "Oi, it's fits right in with us with that sarcasm. Speaking of pretty lasses though, I was thinking tonight is the night we sneak Harry into the clubs considering his birthday is next week. It's only illegal, and more fun, for a little while longer for him!" Louis said, clapping Niall on the shoulder.

I raised a brow at Louis, "One last time sneaking me past Billy down at Lintz? Count me in!" I said as I scooped them each a complimentary cone. "Let's meet at Liam's around 8:30, yeah? Now get out of here before my mum sees me giving you lot some handouts," I tell them, shooing them out the door, but can't help but notice that Niall made sure to give his cone a long lick in my direction. "See you later, Harry," he said, with a cheeky grin. I shook my head at him, turning my attention to the next customer that came through the line.

A few hours later, the sun was setting and I was making my way to Liam's house. I was dressed in a black button up that was left open down to my chest with black skinny jeans and tan boots. When I got the house, I saw the boys were equally dressed up and Louis already looked shattered. I looked at Niall with his patterned shirt and smiled. He looked good. "You clean up, alright..." I compliment him as I brush my to do a shot with Liam. "Same to you, Harold..." he said, grinning widely and I could tell he had already consumed a couple drinks himself. After the shot, we funneled out onto the sidewalk to head down to the club. I looked at Niall as we walked, "You do know my full name is not Harold, it's just Harry," I said, flicking my hair back off my shoulder. Niall shrugged, "Eh, it's just good fun, but I won't call you that if you don't like it," he says honestly as we approach the doors, the music already pulsing from outside. "I don't really care, call me whatever you like..." I said, winking at him as I turned off from the group to head to the back door to wait for them.

As if on cue, Louis cracked the back door open as soon as I reached it and I was inside free and clear. We all headed straight to the bar to start our night off with cheers. Soon we were all five or six drinks deep and clearly feeling it, Louis was a maniac out on the dance floor just making himself a lovely spot to act like an idiot, much to Zayn's embarrassment as he was trying to chat up a girl nearby. "Let's dance!" I say to Niall and pull him by the wrist out onto the dance floor with me and I start to bust some silly dance moves just to hear his laugh. And boy do I hear it. He can't stop laughing as he starts to dance with me, joking around to the techno song that's currently playing. The song soon switches to an uptempo song and people begin to move together, bodies gyrating. Niall slings his arms around my shoulders and leans close to my ear, "We should probably get back, seems like things are about to get hot and heavy out here on the dance floor," he shouts in my ear, yet I can barely hear him over the din.

I pull back to grin at him before leaning down to shout back, "Or..." I say, my hands boldly gripping his hips and dragging him further into the throng of people. "We could dance, just like them...that is if you're keen," I shout in his ear, our fronts pressed against each other. I feel Niall begin to move against me a look of curiosity and something else in his eyes. Drunkness? Well, of course. But maybe something like lust or hunger was held by a slight twinkle. I turned him around so his backside was pressed right against my crotch and we moved together. I felt his hands slide along the sides of my thighs as continued to move against me. My breathing was quickening as had to stop myself from getting hard with the friction he was creating. I leaned down to breathe on his neck, making him all hot and bothered, "You look fucking good against me..." I growl in his ear, not sure where this sudden lust came from. Sure, we had been flirting for weeks now and I kissed him on the cheek awhile back, but we both knew this attraction was new to us both. The liquor must be letting our guards down.

As the song ended, Niall turned to face me, his face flush and sweat dotted his forehead as we both stood for a moment breathing heavy as we looked at each other. The next thing I knew, Niall was dragging me off the dance floor out to a dark corner of the club and pushed me back against the wall, hands on either side of my arms and my hands instinctively gripped his hips. "Listen Harry," he puffed at me, his eyes searching mine. "I've never felt like this before for another guy, this raw attraction. I don't know what I'm doing, but one thing I know right now is that I want to kiss you so badly..." A slow smile crept across my cheeks, "Then what are you waiting for?" I asked him and let him close the gap between us. Our lips melded together as I pulled him closer to me. Our kiss was messy and hard, our tongues fighting one another before I let him take control, this time, that is. My fingers dug into his hips, eliciting a soft moan from him as he pulled slightly at my hair.

After drinking each other in for a few minutes, we broke apart panting and holding each other's gaze. "Bloody hell..." I murmured, licking over my lips as a smile crept upon my face. "That was definitely one of the hottest kisses I've had. We'll be repeating that in the near future, I'm sure," I tell him, throwing him a wink as he laughed and pressed a lingering kiss to my jaw. "That we will, Harold, that we will..." he said, winking back before we released our grip on each other. "Let's go get the rest of the lot home, Louis will be whining for Eleanor right about now..." I said, this time taking Niall's hand as I led him back through the club. We walked home hand in hand, none of the boys taking notice or choosing to ignore it. I dropped him off at his house, giving him a long goodnight kiss. "See you soon, blondie..." I told him as I started to walk away. "Oi, now you're calling me blondie?" he called back to me. I stopped and looked over my shoulder at him from the sidewalk, "If you get to call me Harold, I have to pick something..." I said, smirking at him in the dark before turning to go home. "Goodnight, Harold!" I hear him yell at my retreating form. I smile the rest of the way home, touching my lips as I push my front door open and sneak into my bedroom. Let's just say my dream that night wasn't entirely innocent....

Vote and comment for me and let me know what you think of this chapter!! Things are heating up! Their first kiss!! Ah!! It was soooo good. 

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