Chapter 13: Watermelon Sugar +

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*Niall's POV*

The next morning, I woke up to find Harry still snuggled right up against me. He was still snoring away, dead asleep. I glanced at the clock that he had on his nightstand and saw it was still early. Then I noticed something else. Something hard. Poking against my back, to be specific. I gently twisted my body to see that Harry had a little morning problem. I smirked to myself as made a rash decision and ducked under the covers. I positioned myself between his legs and began press tentative kisses along his clothed member. I still wasn't sure what I was doing, but I tried not to get nervous about my inexperience. Zero experience sucking dick, to be exact.

I shuffled his boxers just enough so that he would be uncovered. I stared at his long cock wondering how the hell I was going to fit all of that in my mouth. I wrapped my hand around him at the base of his cock and began to stroke him as I bite down on his inner thigh. I heard him snort in his sleep, not fully awake yet. I soothed the bite with a quick swipe of my tongue before I wrapped my lips around the leaking head of his cock. I was a bit surprised by the taste and the weight of how he felt in my mouth. Harry let out a groan and I had to stop myself from moaning right back because it had to be on of the hottest sounds I've ever heard. I let myself just have fun with it, licking stripes along his shaft, butterfly kisses all over, and rubbing and kissing on his balls.

Suddenly, the covers were torn off my head and I found Harry staring down at me with a smirk of amusement. His hair was messy and unstyled, yet he still looked so good. "Well, this is certainly the birthday present I had been looking forward to," he said, leaning back with his arms crossed behind his head as he watched me. His moans grew, trying to keep quiet as his mum was likely sleeping a few rooms over. My head bobbed up and down as I worked over him with my mouth and hands. "You look so pretty between my legs..." he commented, biting down on his lip as I watched his chest rise faster as his orgasm grew near. His compliments made my own cock twitch, who knew I liked being called pretty?

"Niall..." he panted, looking down at me. I looked up at him and he groaned at my face, my mouth filled with him, "I'm gonna...I'm gonna cum soon..." he stuttered out. I felt his thighs start to tense and his cock twitch. I figured it now was as good a time as any to taste him, so I only doubled my efforts, gagging slightly when I felt his seed hit the back of my throat and I tried to swallow it as gracefully as I could. I grabbed some tissues from his side table to clean him up as I removed myself with a pop. "Mornin'" I said with a smirk as I crawled up his body and pressed a loving kiss to his lips. "Well, that's one way to wake a guy up," he laughed, pushing his hair back as he pressed a kiss to my cheek. I grinned back at him, "I owed you, but also I just really needed to show my boyfriend how much I appreciated him."

Harry smiled back to me, "Boyfriend. Still can't believe you actually fell for me. Did you get what you were looking for from your little experiment?" he teased me, pinching my side as he climbed out of bed, stark naked, tossing his dirty boxers in the hamper beside his closet. I blushed and turned to look away. Yeah, he was my boyfriend now, but I felt like I was gawking at him, but I mean, who wouldn't? "I got more than I could have ever expected out of the experience," I said, shuffling my blond hair out of my face as I laid still tangled up in the sheets. He looked at me over his shoulder, "Well, I, for one, am extremely happy that you came to accept yourself no matter how you did or what you did. That's the most important thing out of this whole thing, getting to date ya is just a bonus. Shower with me?" he asked. I nodded and climbed out of bed, kicking my boxers off once in the bathroom. We stepped into the warm steam and took turns under the water, gently washing each other with a washcloth and massaging shampoo into each other's scalp. Harry dapped some soapy bubbles onto my nose and I playfully scowled at him. He smirked and pulled me in for a gentle kiss. We stood there for what felt like ages, just kissing and touching, becoming comfortable with one another. We were in there until the water ran cold. I looked up at Harry, breathless when the cold water hit my back. "Wow...I can't believe just kissing someone can feel like this."

We climbed out of the shower and Harry let me borrow some of his clothes, they hung off me slightly since he was taller and broader than I was. "I need to show you something, you said you play guitar, right?" he asked me as I flopped onto his bed. I nodded, "Yeah, you want me to play for you?" He smiled at me as he handed me some sheet music. "Just go on," Harry says, his eyes closing as I started to play what was on the sheet.

"Tastes like strawberries on a summer evenin' and it sounds just like a song...I want more berries and that summer feelin'...It's so warm and wonderful. Breathe me in, breathe me out...I don't know if I could ever go without...I'm just thinking out loud...I don't know if I could ever go without..."

I blinked in surprise when Harry started to sing to me and I was amazed by his voice, but I didn't recognize the song. When Harry had finished singing, he opened his eyes and looked at me, his cheeks flushed red. "I told ya I would sing for ya..." I gently set the guitar down and crawled over to him, pressing a kiss to his lips. "That was...that was amazing, Harry, I had no idea you could sing like that. Whose song was that?" I asked him, scratching my head as I racked my brain for the artist. "It's mine..." he mumbles under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck. My eyes widened, "You wrote that? You're fucking brilliant, Harry! No wonder you got accepted to all of your schools. They would be stupid not to accept you with chops like that. Is that what you played them in your audition tapes?" He blushed even harder at my compliments and questions. "Er, no, I didn't start writing that...well, until I met you," he admitted.

My mouth formed a little 'o' of surprise at that. "I inspired that. Didn't know I had you that good and we haven't fucked yet," I teased him, and I don't think he could get any redder. "Well, it's a good thing we got together, it sucks to know how hurt I would have left you if I didn't return the feelings, so I'm glad I could inspire you and make you happy," I told him, crawling into his lap and kissing him and holding him. I stroked his brown curls and smiled, "To think we get do this all year now, we'll be at Nottingham together and we can see each other all the time, then maybe my family will vacation here over summer again and we get to do it all over again..."

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