Chapter 7: Birthdays, Bonfires, and Blowjobs

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A/N: Yes, I do know that Harry's real birthday is Feb 1st. Please don't hate me, I need this for the story. Thanks loves!

*Niall's POV*

It was a couple days later, July 3rd, to be exact. Harry's birthday. The lad was turning eighteen and the boys had planned him a surprise beach bonfire bash. Try saying that three times fast...I thought to myself, chuckling as I dragged the loads of alcohol into coolers at Louis's house. "He has no idea, right? He just thinks we're taking him to dinner and going to Lintz since he's legal now?" I asked Louis as we counted up the alcohol and started loading the food into the trunk of his car. I was so excited to celebrate with the boys because I was all about the laidback hangouts and not so much the club and party scenes. "Yeah, man, he suspects nothing!" Louis said excitedly as he hopped behind the wheel and I climbed into the passenger seat next to him. We took the short drive to part of the beach we received a permit to use for our party. Zayn and Liam were already there building the pit for the bonfire and gathering the driftwood for it.

I helped Louis carry the tables down and found level spots in the sand to set them up. "Looks great lads, that fire will be huge!" I say, looking at the tripod of wood they created and were starting to get the kindling burning as the sun was setting. "Alright lads, people are arriving, the sun is setting, I'm gonna go grab Harry, so make everyone at home and..." Louis pauses before turning on the speaker and good party music pours out, "Let's get this party started!" I watched him drive off, butterflies stirring in my stomach as I saw all the locals, both young and old, that were fond of Harry start crowding the beach. It was a sight to see how beloved the boy was and now he understood why he was so nervous to start uni. He was leaving his safe space and the world could be so cruel, but this island seemed to be magic. Everyone was at ease, kind, and happy. Cheers rose from the crowd as Louis's car pulled into the lot and Harry climbed out. He looked genuinely surprised as he made his way across the sand to the crowd, hugging his family and friends with tears in eyes.

I gave him his moment with those who have known him his whole life before I made my way over to him and handed him his favorite drink. "Happy birthday, Harold, you're an adult now!" I tease him, wrapping him a tight hug that he returned. Harry's dimpled smile stretched across his cheeks and I noticed his eyes were a bit misty. "This party is incredible, man, I love this town so much. Thanks for helping the lads plan this," he told me and I blushed. "Well, yeah of course. You deserve this," I told him, kicking some sand to the side. "Come on, let's go dance!" I say, dragging him into the crowd where a "dance floor" had been designated.

Hours passed and it was now completely dark out save for the stars and moon in the sky and the roaring blaze we had going and the lads were all laying on a beach blanket chatting amongst themselves and some of Harry's friends from school. I was really enjoying getting to know everyone. The drink was flowing and we were all getting a bit drunk. Okay, we were all pissed, but it's a birthday party, of course we were going to get knackered! Liam was hilarious when he was drunk; he really let loose. "I say, we all go skinny dipping in the ocean, just so we can say we did!" Liam proclaims, standing up on wobbly legs and peelings his shirt off. We all looked around each other and shrugged in agreement and started peeling off our clothes. Next thing I knew, we were running butt naked into the warm waves and laughing like maniacs. "Ohmygod Louis, your arse is so white!" I yell at him, splashing water towards him. "Can't be whiter than your Irish arse, Horan! Have you seen how pale you still are?" he yells back. I let out a yelp and turned in the water to find Harry looking back at me with a smug grin. "Sorry, couldn't help myself," he said, with a shit-eating grin as I rubbed my bottom where he had pinched me. "Oi, well I'm glad it was you and not a crab," I laughed as we all hurried out of the water and wrapped our towels around our waists. I bite my lip and grab Harry's wrist, "Can we go for a walk?" I ask him, running my thumb gently across his skin. Harry smiled a drunken smile at me, "Course..." and we both stumble away in giggles. I lead him to a secluded spot out of sight from the others. "Oi, have you taken me away to murder me?" he jokes as I gently push him back against flat part of the rocky cliff. "No...I need you," I whine. I always get horny when I'm drunk and I had just seen Harry fully naked in the water. I was still a tiny bit hard from the sight of his tan skin and round ass. I press a hot kiss to his neck and I feel his hands circle my waist. Harry tilted my chin up and kissed me, our tongues moving in sync and we enjoyed letting our hands explore each other's bodies. I ducked my head and pressed a kiss to his chest, right in between his two swallow tattoos. "Now I can give you my present..." I chuckle and wiggle my brows at him. Harry's green eyes soften, "You got me a present?" he said, the boy was clearly more sober than me. I stand on my tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "A blowjob..." I giggled and start to sink to my knees. I was just about to tear Harry's towel away when his hand stops mine. I look up at him, my eyes bleary from the drink and dark blue from lust. "Why did you stop me?"

Harry looked down at me, I don't know if it was the moonlight or my imagination, but his green eyes seemed sharper, maybe even a bit angry or hurt? "Niall, I'm not going to let you do this when you're piss drunk. To truly explore your sexuality and understand it, you need to be willing to do these things sober," he said gently. "But I want to do it, Harry! I wouldn't have dragged you out here otherwise!" I said defensively, standing up to face him. Harry ran a hand through his wet, brown hair, "Niall, you're drunk. You may think you want to or you're afraid that you won't perform well enough, so you can just blame it on the drink, but I don't want drunken head from you. I want you to want me. I mean truly want me. So, when you're sober tomorrow and still want to give me this 'present'...then you know where to find me...come here," he said, opening his long arms for hug.


*Harry's POV*

In Niall's drunken state, it seemed that all he could hear were the words he wanted and apparently, he wanted to be hurt. I watched his blue eyes flash with hurt as I stopped him from removing my towel. "You don't want head from me?" he asked and the sadness was obvious in his tone. "No, Niall it's not that I don't want it at all, just not when you're drunk..." But my words seemed to be futile because I could see the blond trying to hide how hurt he was by getting angry. "I-I thought this is what you wanted!" he yelled at me. "I thought this is what we were doing!" He pushed my open arms down, "Stop acting like you know everything about this, about me, Harry. Maybe all of this was a mistake..." he muttered under his breath and I recoiled back, as if his words were a bee that stung me. I watched his blond head turn and start walking back towards the main part of the beach and I chased after him, "Niall come on, you're not in your right mind! I told you I will not take advantage of you!" I hissed at him as came up beside him. I watch him just shrug me off, "Whatever, Harry, just forget it," he hissed back and headed straight for the coolers of beer. "You don't need anymore of that!" I whisper to him now that we were back around people again. I could feel Louis, Liam, and Zayn watching us carefully. Niall's response was simple enough: he flipped me off and headed towards a gaggle of girls that I just graduated with. "Hello ladies!" I heard him cheer heartily, his Irish accent ringing loud and clear as he slung his arms across the shoulders of a pretty brunette. 

My green eyes had pain painted all across them as my boys came around me. "You okay, mate?" I heard Louis ask, his voice quiet and solemn. I looked up at them and they all knew that some shit had gone down. "Just wanna get drunk and forget what just happened, kay?" I mumbled, grabbing a handle of vodka from the table. We headed back to the blanket, taking turns swigging from the bottle and drowning my sorrows. I was so drunk by the time the bonfire had been reduced to a few glowing cinders and there was only a handful of people left on the beach. Liam and Zayn were cleaning things up while Louis babysat me. "You wanna talk about it?" he asks. I shake my head, "Tomorrow, things are too fuzzy right now..." I slur at him, my green eyes trained on that stupid head of blond hair as I watched it walk off into the night with the group of girls, leaving us behind, leaving me behind. And then the world went black.

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