explain rat bear mouse thing [9]

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Shota POV

"Nezu, when the hell did you contact Phantom?" I said while bursting into his office. "Ah. Shota, how was patrol last night?" he asked, ignoring my question.

"Why didn't you tell anyone you were contacting Phantom?" I asked again. Nezu just sighs and sips his tea. "Because, I knew you would react like this." he said.

"He's a kid! What do you even want from him?" I asked. "I was simply going to review an offer with him. A chance." he said. "What type?" I asked. He looks up from his book and stares at me. "I guess you will have to wait. You have to be there you know." he half answered. "Why?" I asked, annoyed. "Because I knew you would want to." he responded. I just glared but gave in.

"When?" I asked after a minute of silence. "Next week." Nezu replied.

"Fine. We aren't killing him, are we?" I asked, slightly nervous at Nezu's sadistic grin. "Heavens no." he said quickly. "Good." I mumbled. "I've got to go. Meetings to do and more. Have a nice day Aizawa." he said while hopping out of his seat and leaving his office. I huff and walk out.

I can't believe he never told me anything about this meeting..

word count: 210

sorry for such a short chapter!!

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