Chapter 1

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Y/N was a witch. Her parents had been killed by vampires when she was 15. Y/N had escaped the vampires before they found her and had been on the run for so long.

She bumped into a small coven of vampires, American nomads. At first they were going to kill her but their leader thought it would be a good idea to keep her alive and use her to protect themselves.

They introduced themselves as James, Victoria, and Laurent. Not knowing they were using her for their own personal gain, Y/N accepted their offer to take her in and traveled with them.

The truth was, Y/N didn't know much magic. Her father was the type to keep a few spell books, just in case they came in handy. But her mother had said that if they wanted to stay alive, they needed to keep magic away until it was absolutely necessary.

But Y/N was able to come in contact with a few spells that she could use to help protect her new vampire 'family'. She wasn't all powerful but she knew enough basic spells to keep her and her vampires safe.

During her time with the vampires, Y/N felt like she needed to leave. She thought she could find a new home for herself and build a life. But James didn't want her to leave, he wanted her to stay so they could use her power.

To keep her with them, James convinced Laurent, who didn't want to deceive Y/N in such a cruel way, to make her believe he was her One. For the greater good of his coven, Laurent agreed.

Being the still naïve little witch Y/N was, she believed him and stayed. She protected the coven and tried to learn as much magic as she could.


17 year old Y/N and her coven were passing through Forks, Washington. She stayed wherever they told her to and did as they told, basically their little pet. She was too unfamiliar of what family was anymore to know that what she had wasn't that.

Somehow, her magic could feel that there was something else in this town. Something different from what she had encountered before. But she kept quiet, she didn't want to tell her coven and then end up being wrong. James didn't like it when she said something that wasn't right.

They were out hunting and she was trying to find out if she could find anything else to do as she waited for them to return. She began to go to a gas station or something and pick up something to eat to pass the time but she didn't want to get in trouble for leaving without their permission.

After a while, they came back. Y/N greeted them with a warm smile as they walked through the door. James gave her a half smirk in return, it wasn't exactly a nice one, it was cocky and full of arrogance. Victoria looked at her, flashed a smirk and a wink, and followed James.

Being his mate, Y/N expected nothing less. Laurent saw her and gave her a smile as well, not as warm as the one she'd given, but warm enough to acknowledge the fact that he wasn't being unkind.

James wasn't the most fond of Y/N, he acknowledge her existence but didn't really talk to her unless he was giving her an order or something. Victoria was a little nicer. They were 'friends' but that was as far as it would ever go.

Laurent was a different story. Even if he didn't love her, he was kind to her. Over the time they'd known each other, Laurent found that he found her presence pleasing. He thought of her as a really close friend but pretended to be more for hers and his own sake.

As James and Victoria went to the other room, Y/N gave Laurent a hug, kissing his cheek. "How was your hunt?" She asked with a small smile.

He shrugged and told her, "The same a usual."

Y/N nodded. She didn't exactly like the fact that they hunted humans but she never commented on it. She'd ask how it was and that was that.

The rest of the night was filled with Y/N relaxing with Laurent and trying to read to distract herself from the love-making going on in the other room between Victoria and James.

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