Chapter 8

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Carlisle and Esme waved from the door as they all got in the cars. "Have a good evening." Emse called after.

They all nodded their agreements and headed off. Jasper, Alice, and Y/N got in a car separate from Rosalie and Emmett, following after them as they headed to the school. Alice had started talking while Jasper and Y/N listened, enjoying the little rambling from Alice.

When they arrived at the school, they got into the actual party and the night began. Edward and Bella arrived soon after, immediately going where there wasn't so many people. Rosalie and Emmett broke off, going to dance with the loud music together. They danced and talked and enjoyed their time out and about. Y/N was enjoying herself, it had been the first time she had enjoyed herself in so long. She forgot how good it felt to be...human. Or at least act it.

"I'm going to go get some punch, I'll be right back." Y/N excused. Jasper nodded simply and watched as she turned toward the punch table. As she began pouring her a cup of the drink, a voice said behind her, "Hey, how are you?"

She turned around to see where the voice was coming from. When she saw an unfamiliar boy standing in front of her, she shrunk in her spot slightly as she smiled nervously, "Hi...I'm okay. And you?"

He nodded, "I'm great. You look great in that dress."

She nodded, "Thanks." She attempted to walk around, but he blocked her path, "Where are you going?"

"To dance..." She said with uncertainty in her tone.

The boy asked, "You wanna dance with me?"

She took a step back. She didn't want to dance with him at all, but she also didn't want to say no and have something happen. As she debated what to do, a voice came behind him and spoke, "Excuse me."

The boy turned around to see Jasper standing behind him, tall and intimidating. A calm feeling washed over Y/N and she closed her eyes, letting smile spread over her face when she opened them. The boy, on the other hand, looked a mix of uncomfortable and nervous to the point of fear as he saw Jasper in front of him.

Jasper looked at her with a smile, "Would you like to dance, m'lady?" He bent down, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss to it. She blushed and nodded, "Yes." He smiled and pulled her over to him. The boy nervously stuttered, "S-sorry, man, I-I didn't know she was taken."

Jasper shot him a glare and then walked away from him, leading Y/N away with him. "Thanks for the rescue." She told him softly. Jasper nodded, "Of course, anytime."

Y/N looked around for Alice, trying to see where she had run off to. When she spotted the pixie-haired girl, she smiled a little. She was dancing with someone off in the distance. Alice caught her eye and smile, subtly pointing to the guy with a smile.

Y/N smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up. The music changed as a slow song began to play. Y/N looked up in the air as if it was where the music was coming from. Jasper gently grabbed her hand again and asked, "Would you like a dance?"

Y/N looked back at him, letting her smile wash over her again as she nodded, "Yes, I would." Jasper smiled at her and pulled her in, placing one hand in hers and the other around her waist. Y/N let a little bit of her nervous feeling escape her, Jasper catching it quickly.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Y/N chewed on her lip, quickly stopping herself before Alice somehow saw and came to scold her for it. "I've never danced." She told him, a slight embarrassed.

Jasper lifted Y/N up, getting surprised look from her, and set her down on his shoes, allowing her to use him as a guide. She chuckled softly as she moved her hand around his neck, allowing him to move the two of them.

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