Chapter 5

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Y/N was waiting outside the room where Bella was in bed, waiting for her to wake up. Edward was inside with Bella's mother. She heard talking in the room, realizing she was finally awake. Jasper stayed with you, he was in the cafeteria with Charlie to help with his emotional state. He was worried sick about Bella and Jasper was trying to make sure he was okay.

Y/N tapped her foot as she sat outside the door. After a few moments, the door opened and Renee came outside, closing the door softly. She gave her a warm smile and said, "Thank you so much for your help with my daughter. It's so good to know she's making more friends."

Y/N returned the smile, unable to hold it back. She wasn't used to be given compliments like this. She nodded and responded, "It's really no problem. I'm glad I was able to help."

Renee smiled a little wider, placed a hand over Y/N's and left. She smiled as she sat in her chair, thinking over the thank you. After a few more minutes, the door opened again. Edward came out and looked at her.

"Hey." She said, standing up. Edward gave a weak smile and slowly spoke, "Bella wanted to speak to you." Y/N nodded simply and said, "Okay." He stepped aside to let Y/N in.

Before she opened the door, Edward placed a hand on her shoulder. Y/N jumped and put a hand over her heart. "Sorry." They both said at the same time. Edward told her softly, "I want to say thank you...for what you did back there. Thank you for helping Bella and my family. You're welcome to stay with us."

Y/N smiled and responded, "You don't have to thank me, really. I've been helping those vampires hurt others for so long and I haven't like a second of it. Helping someone for once...I wanted- I needed to do it."

Edward nodded, "Still...thank you, Y/N."

She smiled, "You're welcome." She turned and opened the door, seeing Bella laying in bed. She saw Y/N and sat up a bit. "No, no, lay back. You don't need to be working yourself right now."

Bella chuckled lightly and laid back down, "'re probably right."

Y/N sat in the chair next to Bella and gave her a smile. "Are you alright?" She asked.

Bella nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." Y/N smiled, she asked, "Anything hurting? I may be able to fix that..."

Bella shook her head, "No. No, you don't have to do that."

Y/N shook hers in return, "No, it's no problem. Where?"

Bella bit her lip and pointed to her leg. "There." Y/N nodded and walked over, placing a hand on her leg and closing her eyes, chanting a little something before letting her hands down and looking at Bella.

"Wow...that feels so much better." Bella said, smiling a little. Y/N sat back down and asked, "Edward said you wanted to speak to me?"

Bella nodded, squinching her eyes and taking a breath as if she was trying to think of how to word her sentence. She spoke then, opening her eyes a little, "I wanted to thank you. You didn't have to help me back there, but I'm glad you did. Edward is actually really happy to have you here. I'm glad you're here, too."

Y/N smiled again, chuckling a little to herself and beginning to wipe away a little tear that was threatening to fall. "What?" Bella chuckled.

Y/N took in a breath and shrugged, "Sorry, I'm just...I'm not used to this. Getting all of these 'thank you's. being complimented. In my old coven, with James and Victoria and Laurent...I never really got any kind of affection. It was like walking on eggshells. But with everyone else here, even when everyone is stressed, it's like...I'm cautious of where I step, but there's not much reason to be. I've been given so much...comfort. It's so foreign to me..."

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