Chapter 2

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Laurent and Victoria began to walk away, James lingering in his spot, still watching the human. As he continued to stare, Y/N inched over to him slowly and spoke in a small voice, scared she might offend him, "James...are you coming?" It took everything she had not to stutter.

Vampires don't stutter.

James seemed to ignore her for a moment before she began turning away. The blonde who had commented earlier on Victoria's curve ball caught the eye of Y/N as she began to walk away. She blushed very slightly and mentally cursed herself.

Vampires don't blush.

The anxiety that seemed to pour from Y/N was really starting to get to her as she tried to reassure herself that she was going to be fine. A sudden wave of calm moved over Y/N as she walked away. She didn't know where it came from, but it made her feel better.

A breeze of wind began to flow through the air. At first, it didn't have an affect on her until she remembered. The human. She turned around quickly, whatever sense of calmness that had washed over her a few seconds ago long gone as she look toward James, her eyes wide open.

He breathed in the scent of the human's blood that flowed in the air. He let out a long breath and turned around. He commented, "You brought a snack."

Carlisle's coven quickly crouched down in a defensive stance as James had turned back, ready to rip the girl's throat out. The coven pushed the girl behind them and crouched down, hissing in defense.

Laurent and Victoria pushed Y/N behind them quickly, keeping her away from harm. James was too engrossed in his next prey to be concerned with her.

"The girl's with us." Carlisle told them. Y/N stood behind her coven, fear taking over her as she thought she might end up dead. He added, "I think it's best you leave."

Laurent held his hands up calmly, "Yes, I can see the game is over. We'll go now."

As he started backing away, he looked at James, who wasn't letting up. "James?" He spoke, telling him it was time to go. James swiftly straightened up, beginning to walk away slowly with the rest of his coven.

Victoria lingered for a moment before snapping up, by James' side in no time. He wrapped his arm around her neck and seemed to whisper something in her ear as he walked away. Laurent gently grabbed Y/N's wrist and they began walking away.

Y/N looked behind her to the coven once more, her eyes suddenly locking with the blonde again. His gaze lingered a moment as well before he turned swiftly. Y/N shook her head and looked forward, letting herself practically be dragged by Laurent.

When they were out of earshot, James began talking about how he found his next hunt. Y/N felt something in the pit of her stomach. She didn't know the human and she didn't want to end up being killed by James for opposing him, but she didn't want the human to die.

Especially if she could, possibly, maybe prevent it. But, as the legends say, witches are weak. The chances of her being able to stop the human from being killed are quite low.

So she kept to herself and did what she always did. She looked the other way.

Or, at least, she tried to.

She found herself looking back to the clearing where the coven was, as if she could see the blonde once more.


James and Victoria took off in no time. James had started his hunt and, as always, Victoria followed behind him.

Laurent started to go to their next stop, bringing Y/N along as he knew James and Victoria would catch up soon enough, but he'd had enough.

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