Chapter 6

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By the time they finally got back to the house, the entire family had to come help bring in the bags because, if Alice and Rosalie weren't as good as storing the bags in the back, they could have filled two cars worth of bags in the back.

Y/N wasn't sure if she'd even get to wearing most of those clothes by the time she died, which is saying something since witches had a very long life, and with the right favor with the spirits, possible immortality.

Carlisle walked with Y/N, holding two arm fulls of bags as he said, "Shopping with Alice, are you? You got lucky this time. They once had to take two cars because Alice felt she had to renew her wardrobe."

Y/N shivered as she continued to bring the bags in. When the last bag was placed in Y/N's room, she stared at them in exhaustion, "This is going to take forever..."

Jasper leaned on her door frame and shrugged, "Good thing you have vampires to help you." She shook her head, "No, I couldn't ask you to help me. You've all done so much, I think I can take care of this on my own."

Jasper walked in, "You don't have to ask." He flashed her a little smile and picked up the first bag. Y/N bit her lip in thought for just a moment before getting to work with Jasper. They both had everything out of the bags and laid out on the bed in about ten minutes. They were sorted out by shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, and so on.

Alice walked into the room, ready to get to work and stopped short at the door. "What on earth are you doing?!"

They both turned to face her. "Sorting." They told her. Alice shook her head, "Well, you're doing it wrong! You're supposed to sort by color, type, and fabric type!" She rushed over, opening another door that Y/N thought to be the bathroom and was really a large, large closet.

She was a blur as she began putting hangers on everything and laying them out separate. She stopped and said, "Now, everything needs to be sorted by their color. Chop, chop. I'm going to get more hangers from my room."

Alice left the room and Jasper mumbled, "I'm surprised she has free hangers." Alice shouted down the hall in her chirpy voice, "I heard that!"

Y/N and Jasper laughed together and got to work sorting the clothes out. It took an hour or two, but the work was finally done and there was nothing else to do, Alice admired her work and left Y/N with promises of a dress up day to go through all of her clothes.

She watched as Alice left the room, half terrified, half grateful that she would have Alice in her life now. Jasper chuckled, "Yea, you're going to have to get used to that..."

Y/N shrugged with a laugh, walking over to her closet, "Yea, I'll never get used to that." She started going over everything to see if she could actually memorize where everything is. Jasper walked over, a little too quietly. He touched her shoulder and Y/N jumped a little. "Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you."

Y/N shook her head, "No, it's not you. I get really jumpy."

Jasper started, "My school's prom is this week and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me."

Y/N laughed nervously, scratching the back of her neck as she said, "I mean, would they even let me in?"

"Yeah, the school isn't really good at keeping students out of prom. You could come with us and, even if they did stop us, we'd be able to get you in." Jasper explained.

She bit her lip and nodded, "I would love to go."

Jasper smiled, "Great. Um, fair warning, you might end up going back to the mall for dress shopping..."

She mocked fear and laughed. "Hopefully, I'll live." Jasper smiled and said, "I'll be in the living room if you need me." He left her to herself and she wandered her room to see what else was hidden in it.

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