The Queen Could Die

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Hurricane stepped into the throne room where Queen Ember sat. "Yes, General Hurricane? Any reports?" General Hurricane stood in front of the throne, gazing up at Queen Ember who was sitting beside her two daughters, Harpy and Emma. "All borders are clear, prisoners are chained up, guards are guarding." She replied. Ember nodded, "You are dismissed." She stepped out of the room, bumping in to Zircon, one of her most trusted soldiers and friends.

He was a pale red with white horns, talons and wings. He had black eyes and some extra horns as well as extremely sharp talons. "Wow, I still can't believe a fifteen year old SkyWing became general." He joked. "Says the 14 year old IceWing-SkyWing. If you want to be general so badly go to the Ice Kingdom." Hurricane laughed, striding off to the arena. Zircon scowled.

"Come on! Alright," he sighed. "At least tell me who's in the arena battle." Hurricane grinned such a toothy grin. "Me, you, the SandWing princess, a SeaWing prisoner, an IceWing prisoner and then there's a fight between Queen Ember and the SandWing." Zircon frowned, "Me? The queen? You? Royalty?" Hurricane nodded. "Where did Princess Mirage come from?" Zircon asked, probably the most confused he's ever been in his life. "This arena battle is a special event, if the queen dies then it's up to her daughters. Also almost every tribe is coming to watch, well the MudWings aren't coming so, yeah." Zircon and Hurricane were standing in the prison, gazing at the prisoners before them. "Okay so which ones are fighting?" Zircon asked. Hurricane pointed at an anxious SeaWing. "Beluga, and I'll get Tempest." She gestured to a tall, strong IceWing. 

"Zircon. . ." She hissed. "What?" He spat as he strapped chains around the SeaWing. "Your mother, Mistral, is an absolute traitor. Marrying a SkyWing like that." She spat, half mumbling to herself. Zircon stiffened, pulling the SeaWing out of her cell while Hurricane strapped heavy chains around Tempest.

They lead the prisoners to the podiums, tying the metal wires around their feet. The stands were filled with dragons. There were IceWings, SandWings, SeaWings, SkyWings, NightWings and RainWings. Queen Ember sat on her outdoor throne, eagerly watching the arena. "General Hurricane!" Ember called. "Please explain the rules to our guests." The queen asked, looking at the crowd.

"Ahem, I'll be explaining the rules of our arena battles." Hurricane said, clearing her throat. "First of all you have a timer of one hour, if you don't finish the fight by then it's a draw." She paused, making sure everyone understood. "The one with the most injuries lose and the other dragon will decide their fate. You can choose between freeing them if they are a prisoner, killing them or just leaving them in prison." Everyone nodded so Hurricane continued. "We have a thing called drop mode too, the queen decides if it is on or off, in this case it is on. But drop mode itself is a mode where the fighters stand on their podiums and someone has to push them off."

"First up is Beluga and Princess Mirage." Mirage scowled at the word 'princess' but she got up on the podium, looking twice her size in the sun. Beluga was anxious, he was going to die today, he knew it and so did everyone else. The guards unstrapped the chains around them. "Citrine, could you just burn anybody who doesn't want to fight or if someone doesn't want someone to fight." The firescales nodded, smoke steaming all around her. Citrine hovered over the arena while Hurricane and Zircon went to each podium. "Get ready! Get set! And fight!" Hurricane roared as they pushed each fighter off f the podiums and into the arena.

They snarled at each other before the SeaWing leapt at Mirage. She easily blocked it, pinning him down before stabbing him right in the heart with her venomous barbed tail. Everyone stared at her, shocked at how royalty could fight. "That was nothing, try taking on a MudWing that's nearly three times the size of you." She joked, staring at the crowd. 

"Oh wait," Queen Ember said. "Why was the SeaWing imprisoned again?" Hurricane thought for a moment. "He tried stealing treasure, I think. The IceWing was put in prison for attempted murder." Ember chuckled. "A thief and a murderer. But now lets get to the real action, push her off." Hurricane unstrapped the chains around Tempest and pushed her off.  Tempest and Mirage tackled each other, clawed each other and even slowly ripped off scales. You could tell that Tempest was an experienced fighter. They broke apart, circling each other. Mirage looked like a scorpion with her venomous tail up while Tempest looked as if she was about to let an avalanche of frostbreath on her.

Eventually Tempest breathed out a blast of frostbreath, just missing Mirage. Soon the SandWing had Tempest pinned, holding her jaws shut. They tumbled and tossed around the arena until their timer came to an end. The crowd looked at Mirage who barely had a scratch. Tempest had a deep scratch on her shoulder, she limped away to the other side of the arena. She had twisted her ankle along with all of her other injuries. "So it's clear that Mirage has won." said Citrine who still hovered above the arena. "What do you decide for Tempest."  She asked, dropped to the ground. "I want to free her, and to get those wounds treated." Mirage said confidently, looking at Tempest's injuries.

"Take her to the medic room, I wanna see what this little princess can do." The queen said slyly as she flew up to a podium. Mirage flew to the opposite podium, ready to be pushed off. Hurricane was about to push Ember off but was rather hesitant. "Push me." The queen snarled. Hurricane instantly pushed her off while Zircon pushed Mirage off.

The two royal dragons circled each other. "Remember you can't kill anyone in this round, it's 'til someone gives up!" the general called out. They nodded. Mirage leapt onto the queen, pulling her front talon behind her back. She screeched in pain and fury as she tried to wriggle free and bite her. Mirage nipped her on the tail. Ember's shoulder had popped out of the socket but she kept on fighting. Mirage had a scar above her eye which blocked her sight. She also had another deep scratch on her neck and a few other scars from her previous fights. Ember's arm had popped out of it's socket and was hanging loosely where ever she went, she had many scratches and scars on her neck and back, clearly injured, she flopped on the floor. "I give up. . . ." She mumbled. The crowd gasped, how could the queen give up? "Take her to the medic room!" Hurricane hissed at Zircon." Princess Harpy dashed towards her mother, helping to carry her to the medic room.

"I apologize for this odd experience, but please go back home and we will inform you if the queen is okay. If you are royalty of some sort, stay behind if you like." Hurricane spoke loud and clear as she stood in the middle of the arena. Queen Rose, Queen Hawk, Queen Sorrowspeaker and Queen Polar had stayed behind. Hibiscus, their medic had rushed to the arena, whispering something in Hurricane's ear. "The queen could die." The queens had overheard this and were shocked.

"She can't die!" "Well she has two heirs." "Well she's a better queen than them." as the argument went on the queen's most trusted soldiers went to accompany her, Hurricane, Zircon, Citrine, Steam and Bonfire. They sat in the medic room with Ember in one of the beds. "Emma shall be queen- if I-I die. . ." Ember's injuries were much more than anyone expected, blood seeped through her armor and covered her golden- like scales. "Thank you all, for being with me through my leadership...." she whispered before going limp. Hibiscus sat up. "There was not much I could do for her..." she whispered with a guilty voice. Emma stepped into the room, sobbing. "Welcome Queen Emma." They all whispered, still stunned after Ember's death. "Thank you." She murmured.

Well that's the next chapter, hope you like it. It has over 1380 words by the way.

~ IdrawStuff1000

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