Emma should die.

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Harpy sat beside the other guards,  watching the queen with hateful eyes. 'I should have been queen. Emma is nothing compared to me. I could take down an army with seven crowns on my head.' She thought bitterly, stomping towards General Hurricane's house.

They had been quite good friends as they had grown up together. She knocked on the door, waiting for a 'What?'. No reply came. She put her ear against the door listening for any movement. Harpy heard soft snoring quite like Hurricane. She knocked louder.

"Wake up you bird-brain!" She yelled, nearly busting her door open.

A muffled "Whhhaaat?" came from inside. "Can I come inside?" Harper asked just before Hurricane opened the door. "What do you need?" Hurricane yawned, gesturing for her to go inside.

"I need to kill someone, a special someone. I want to put poison in there food but I don't have access to the poison in the kitchen, but you do." Harpy smiled evilly.

Hurricane tossed her a small bottle of black liquid. "One drop is enough to kill three dragons." She said coldly. "Who are we killing again?" The large SkyWing asked as Harpy was about to leave.

"Queen Emma, we'll bring up her meal but before we get to her we pour the whole bottle on it."  They shared an evil grin before Harpy took off.

"See you in an hour!" She called out as she flew back towards the castle. 'I'm going to be queen and nobody will know I'm basically a psychopath.' She laughed. "Oh Harpy, you're amazing!" She said to herself, gliding down to the arena.

"Now to get rid of these grimy wastes of space and food." Harpy ran to their prison, pulling out a large, armored MudWing. "Especially you, MudWing." She grinned, dragging him outside. 

"I'm Creek by the way." He smiled, skipping along, as if he'd never even seen a prison.

"Uh, alright, Creek? Well, why were you imprisoned anyways?" Harper looked up at the friendly MudWing. "Cannibalism." He kept on smiling, like nothing had ever happened. "Is that why you're kept in a different cell?" He nodded.

"Okay I'm just going to put you back in your cell." she did an awkward smile, pushing him back into his  cage-like cell. 'Maybe I should ask their crime before just pulling them out.'

She went around the cells, asking their crime and why they did it.  At last walked up to a scarred SkyWing who sat in the corner on his cell. "Excuse me sir, but why were you thrown in prison?" She asked.

"Murder. . . ." he growled, fire blazing in his eyes. "Why did you kill someone?" she asked calmly. "They killed my sister and mother, I had to get 'em back." He whispered, fire still bright alive in the SkyWing's eyes.

"Perfect." She breathed as she pulled him out of the cell. "Okay, so like originally I was going to kill someone but then, I found out - or you told me- that you murdered someone so. . . . can you do it again?" She asked him, practically jumping up and down.

"Who am I going to kill?" He leaned closer, intrigued. "Queen Emma is taken care of so, how about King Storm and their most loyal and trustworthy guard, Steam. Oh yeah, what's your name?"

He smiled briefly. "Soar."

(JUST A REMINDER: I know Soar is already a canon name but this Soar is nothing like the one in the books. If you don't like this tell me and I'll change it if a lot of people hate it)

"Well then, Soar follow me and we'll sort this out." She said, dragging him by his wrist. "Wait, where are we going?"

"General Hurricane's home. She's in on it too, and in her words 'Emma should die.'"

Alrighty so I know it was a sorta short chapter but it was kinda rushed, You'll see more of Soar and Harper in the next chapter!


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