07: Solace

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❝  She draws with knives, and paints with blood ❞

Art. Seulgi had always found comfort when she had a paint brush in hand, a blank canvas waiting to be filled with various colors, and her oversized white shirt that would be aesthetically stained with paint later on. And so, she dabs the brush on her palette, gliding its soft bristles across the empty canvas, bringing it to life.

Arts became her solace in life; it allowed her to escape from reality even for just a short amount of time. It made her feel as if she was an average person living a normal life. Unfortunately , being the only daughter of Korea's most powerful mafia boss hindered her from pursuing her first love; arts.

Seulgi found her job thrilling, but it didn't make her happy. She couldn't see herself luring men into danger and later on killing them for the rest of her life.

She wanted to build a family of her own. She wanted to witness her children grow up and spend the rest of her years with the love of her life until they were gray and old. And she didn't want her children to have a mother who draws with knives and paints with blood.

Seulgi was the most outstanding artist in her father's eyes. Her father knew her love for arts, and he was very supportive of it. However, it came with a condition; the mafia would always be her priority. Arts came in second.

The painting reflected the chaos inside the artist. Seulgi sighed, brushing away her fringe with her forearm. She continued blending in the hues, but stopped when she heard a knock on her door.

"I never knew you liked doing art" Seulgi turned her head to the door of her art room that was left ajar.

"Of course you don't, we're not friends" She averted her focus back on the canvas, ignoring the intruder.

"Ouch" Taemin said plainly with a palm on his chest. He invited himself in, sneaking a peek on Seulgi's painting from behind her shoulders.

"You treat me as if I'm not older than you" He frowned as he watched her hand work its magic on the canvas.

"I'm out of red paint" Seulgi said to no one in particular.

"Not my problem" Taemin shrugged, shoving his hands inside his jean pockets.

"How about I use your own blood as an alternative instead?" Seulgi slowly faced him with an innocent face.

Before Taemin could throw a remark, another intruder walked in inside, seemingly lost. "Oh, noona, hyung" Ten's eyes scanned the unfamiliar room, fascinated with all the artworks hung on the wall and a few canvas paintings standing on the floor.

"Can I come in?" He asked expectantly, wanting to get a closer glimpse of the artworks for he himself also engaged in arts.

Seulgi nodded to his request. Ten walked towards the shelves filled with countless art materials. There were jars, bottles and tubes of paint neatly stacked on one of the shelves, boxes of crayons and oil pastels, cups filled with graphite pencils, colored markers and paint brushes of different sizes. There were also labeled drawers where papers and canvases where kept.

Ten moved towards one of the paintings that caught his eye the very second he entered the art room. It was a painting of the night city of Seoul overviewed from the famous Namsan Tower. It may not be as remarkable as her other artworks, but the painting was very sentimental to Seulgi. It was her favorite memory with her mother, and was their last mother and daughter bonding before her passing.

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