2: Lies are better than the truth

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Thomas/Stiles POV:

I wake up with a massive headache. I blink a few times so my vision isn't blurry anymore. I realise I am laying in the bed in the same room.

Suddenly I remember what happened. The world wasn't scorched. Does that mean that there are no cranks? That everything was a lie? Everything was for nothing? Everybody died for nothing!! I wanted to scream in frustration. I lost my best friend, no my brother. For nothing! For a stupid game WICKED played.

And it wasn't only Newt, no there were so many more. Chuck was like my little brother. And Teresa, the only girl I ever loved. And Winston, Alby, Zart.. The list goes on and on countlessly. My family all died for nothing. They died because a group of 'scientists' lost their minds and thought it was funny to put them in a maze full of gigantic robot spiders.

A minute later a nurse comes in with a man who looks like he is in the early 50s. "Mr. Stilinski, your father is here." She says. I was more annoyed than I ever thought I could be. Even more annoyed than when I talk to Gally. And that is VERY annoyed.

I sighed. "I already told you. I. Don't. Have. A. Dad. Anymore." I say with anger in my voice. The man walks slowly up to me. "Stiles?" His voice cracks and there are tears in his eyes.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" I ask. "Is that a name? Why would anyone name their kid Stiles? That's a form of child abuse!"

The man looks hurt but I don't really care about it. He isn't my dad, so what the hell is this shank even doing here? "Mr. Stilinski." The nurse says. "You will be released from the hospital tomorrow."

"Okay, great than I can search for my friends" I say happy. All the sudden, the thought that they might be dead pops up in my head. That could be the reason I was found in the woods and there was no sign of them.

"Stiles are you okay?" The man looks worried at me. I realise I've been crying so I quickly wipe away the tears. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired." I turn around and look outside. What is wrong with the world? I ask myself. Or what is wrong with me? "Oh and my name is not Stiles."

I hear the nurse and the man leaving the room and are now standing in the hallway. I can hear what they are saying so I decide to eavesdrop. "At times, the truth can be poison if the timing is wrong." The nurse says to the man.

I was getting so frustrated by that nurse. She totally thinks I am insane. If she says one more word I am going to poison her food and make sure she knows how it tastes like!

The thought that I may be that Stiles kid comes up in my head. But I couldn't be right? I thought I was raised by WICKED. But I wouldn't surprised if that was fake too. What if I was a normal kid, who went to school. Had some friends and maybe even a girlfriend. The thought of me with another girl sounds horrible. How could I ever do that to Teresa?

I know she betrayed me, and the others. But it was for the good wasn't it? Was there even a good side of the story?

I wish I could just turn of my thoughts with a button or something. Man, what would life be a lot easier without the thoughts that keeps me awake.

After nearly an hour of way too much thinking, I finally fell asleep.

*** *** ***

Sheriff Stilinski POV:

The nurse takes me outside and was talking to me in a sweet tone, too sweet. "What the hell happened to my son?! He doesn't even remember me! And I am his dad!!" I snap at the nurse.

She sighs and says: "At times, the truth can be poison if the timing is wrong." I was confused. "What truth?" "We don't know exactly what happened to him in those past 4 years after he went missing, but he was very surprise to just look outside the window, that means he probably believes something that isn't true. You need him to open up to you, so we know what happened to him. In that way it's a lot easier to help him." She says. I just nod in response.

"He is released from the hospital tomorrow at 5 PM. Before that we can do an MRI to see if something is wrong." She says and I nod, satisfied with the answer. I take a seat and watch my son sleep. "No matter what you have been trough, we'll fix it. I'll find you the best doctors." I mutter under my breath.

*** *** ***

Thomas/Stiles POV:

I woke up early, thanks to the routine in the Glade. I think of my 'dad'. I did look like him. But don't you look like anyone if you search for it?

Hell I could even look like Minho. Not that someone wants to look like that ugly shank.

The same nurse as yesterday comes in and says something about an MRI. But I don't really listen. "I don't need that because I am totally fine." I snap at her. "You need it because you don't remember anything." She says back in her sweet tone. "I do remember everything but you think I don't remember." I answer her.

It was true, after I woke up in the hospital for the first time I remembered my life in WICKED. The nights Teresa hacked the cameras so they could go to the other Gladers without being seen. I miss those nights so much. Little did we know that a few months after that the Gladers were going to be sent into the Maze.

"Mr. Stilinski, will you come with me please?" The nurse asks. I sigh. This was gonna be one hell of a long day. "I don't have much of a choice do I?" I say and got up. I follow her to a very strange room. But at the same time, also quite familiar.

A male nurse comes up to me. "Stiles, just to warn you. You're going to hear a lot of noises during the MRI. It's going to take about forty-five minutes to an hour. Try not to move. You are going to hear that noise now. It is going to sound like a hammer hitting an anvil." He says.

"Yeah okay, but my name isn't Stiles" I say. I don't really care what they do to me. I just want to get the hell out of here and find my friends.

**Time skip to after the MRI**

Thomas/Stiles POV:

The two nurses and my 'dad' are looking worried at a monitor. I walk up to them and see why they are worried. There is like a little cube in my head. Probably something from WICKED.

"Did you know this was in your head?" The male nurse asks me. "Yeah, of course." I mean, it totally doesn't surprise me WICKED put something in my brain.

"You know, you could have just asked me that and than that whole MRI thing wasn't necessary." I say, a little angry I spent one hour listening to a weird noise instead of searching for my friends.

The nurse ignores me and says to my 'dad': "Everything else looks fine. I don't think it's necessary that we remove it. It could do serious damage to the brain." "Okay.", is the only thing he the Sheriff answers.

"Come on Stiles, it's time to go home." He says to me. "Fine, but two things. One: MY. NAME. ISN'T. STILES. And second. That place you are taking me. That's not my home."

He doesn't respond but just walks with me to his car.

I step in the jeep and stare outside. It looks like I'm going 'home'.

*** *** ***

Aaaaaaannnnddddd chapter two is out!! Hope you enjoy the story so far!! This one is A LOT longer than the first chapter!! (It is twice the size as the first one, woopsie) I am going to try to upload a new chapter every day. But due to the corona virus I have a lot of time. (I still have online classes, but I have a lot of free time) So when school starts again I don't know if I am going to be able to upload a new chapter everyday. But I'll see how it turns out when the whole lockdown is over. Stay safe till' next chapter!!
Love from me xx

Edit: I am cringing to death help me-

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