13: The world isn't meant to be saved

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Thomas POV:

It is past midnight and all the pack members were already asleep. Except me and Newt, We are still talking about god knows what. "Do you remember when you were just looking at the maze and Gally pushed you." Newt asks me while hitting my arm.

I chuckle while thinking of the memory. "Hell yeah, but I did got my payback when we met him again!" Newt smiles at me too with tears of joy in his eyes. "You guys are even now." He says while holding back tears from happiness.

"See, we are even, that's not good. I have to be winning, next time I see him. That shank is going to get a punch in the face." I say while punching in the air. Newt claps my back. "I missed you ugly shank." I pretend to be hurt. "Me?! Ugly?! Now I am hurt!" Newt bursts out in laughter. "Yeah sure, you are more hurt than when Minho called you 'the shuckiest shuck-faced shuck in the world!'"

I roll my eyes ar the memory. "Okay, but THAT was not true! I am so not a shuck-face!" I defend myself. "Guys, can you keep your voice down?" Scott asks from where the others are sleeping, clearly annoyed. "What?" I scream to him, making sure to wake everyone else up. "WE ARE NOT EVEN LOUD!" Newt wipes away tears from laughter.

"SHUT UP!" I hear Derek growl. "Oh c'mon big sourwolf, let's see. You wanna fight?" I challenge him while standing up.
"There you go Tommy!" Newt shouts back at me. I give him the thumbs before facing Derek. "Okay, one rule don't go all wolfie on me!" He rolls my eyes and I wait for him to do something but he keeps standing still. "Fine." I huff before jumping on him and tossing him on the ground. "What the hell?" He asks while standing up. "Since when are you so strong?"

I just shrug at him. "Okay guys slim it I wanna sleep." Newt says while laying down. "Hey, you were the one who said it was a good idea!" I spat at him. "Yeah whatever." Newt says before rolling his eyes.

I lay next Newt and I close my eyes. After a few seconds he taps at my arm and I open my eyes again. "Wha-?" I ask them but he holds his hand up, to shut me up. He looks at the others to check if they are asleep. He stands up and tells me to follow him.

I frown but I follow him anyway. "What are you doing?" I ask him. "Shhh, keep your voice down and follow me." I keep my mouth shut this time.

After a while I can't hold it anymore. "Newt, where the hell are we going?" "Away from them." He answers me. "What? Why?" I don't understand it anymore. I don't understand him anymore.

I stop him and make him look at me. "Newt, what the hell?" I hiss at him. It breaks my heart to be so harsh at my best friend, who just came back from the death. "I want to speak to you, away from them." He says while nodding at the place they were sleeping. I just nod and grab his wrist before walking away.

We stop after a few minutes and I let go of his hand. I sit down against a tree. "What do you want to say?" He sits in front of me on the grass. "I don't trust them Tommy, and we also need to find group B." I look at him with wide eyes. "Okay first of all, why group B? I know we helped each other but-" "Sonya, Tommy. We need to find group B for her, she is my sister." I feel my mouth fall open.

"She is kinda hot- uhh, I mean. Yeah, she looks like you!" Newt let out a chuckle. "I don't trust them  because they are werewolves for god sake!" I sigh, I know he was right. We can't trust anyone so easily. "We were so good at not trusting people and avoiding them Tommy. Why suddenly trust the people who claims they know you?"

"Because they are the people I once knew!" I protest but Newt cuts me off. "See, you say it yourself. You knew them once Tommy. They were werewolves even before you got kidnapped, but they didn't try to rescue you!" I sigh and look him in the eyes.

"Newt, I know they are werewolves. But they can't still do a thing about WICKED. It doesn't matter if you are a werewolf, vampire or even a freaking snowman! It's WICKED nobody can take them down!" Newt looks away from me at the grass. "Look Newt, let's see if Deaton can tell us where Minho is. If he can't than we will leave. But we need to give them a change."

He doesn't reply immediately. "Fine." He sighs after a few minutes. He comes to me and lie next to me. I wrap my arms around him. "I missed you.." I murmur. "I missed you too.." "don't think I haven't noticed you have a crush on Isaac." He lifts his head and looks at me in confusing. "Don't deny it." "I-" he start saying but stops. "I can see you blush." "It's dark." He protest. "Still can see it."

"Fine, maybe a little." He admits before lying down again. An evil smirk appears on my face. "Tommy don't!" "Ohh no I am not going to do anything!" I say while looking innocent. "Yeah, you are totally not going to do something." He murmurs sarcastically before falling asleep.

*** *** ***
Heyhey! Me here, wow what a surprise you probably thought this was written by an alien. Just kidding. hope you like the chapter, vote, comment, share!
Bye x

Edit: this is all I'm gonna edit for today guys. Peace out <3 (also 8000 reads wth ily u all!!)

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