Stuck With Each Other

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What if Steve and Tony didn't exactly love each other? What if they were a mismatch?

"Can you stop getting drunk everywhere we go?" Steve sounded annoyed as he removed his tie.

Tony who was filling his glass with another Bourbon, stopped.

"What did you just say?" He did not exactly ask.

Steve rolled his eyes. He knew what followed.

"I'm tired. I'm going to sleep." And then he slept on one side of the bed.

"Whoring around must be tiresome." Tony spat back and then took a big gulp of his drink.

Steve sat up and turned to Tony with disbelief. Tony wasn't looking anymore.

"I was whoring around now was I!" Steve now looked miffed.

"You don't want me to remind you, Stevie!" Tony mocked, raising his voice.

Steve held his forehead. This was happening again. Once again they were fighting over someone else.

"You didn't just bring that up again." Steve was annoyed.

"Yes, I did. And why shouldn't I? Give me one good reason why shouldn't I?!" Tony spat as he too got rid of his bow tie.

"That was one time, Tony, and I was drunk!" Steve practically yelled now.

Tony looked at him, a smile of disdain gracing his lips.

"You are pathetic, Steve." Tony started to leave after he threw his jacket on the sofa in their bedroom.

Steve sat holding his forehead. A tear silently rolled down his cheek that he quickly wiped away.

Steve and Tony fought a lot when they were not married, but they fought even more after getting married. They made love too, passionate love but they fought with a whole another level of passion.

"I cannot take this anymore." Steve appeared in the living room where Tony had made himself comfortable on the couch.

Tony looked up at his husband.

"I want a divorce," Steve continued as he crossed his arms on his chest.

Tony smiled. Steve rolled eyes.

"You slept with another woman!" Tony yelled pointing at Steve.

"We did not have sex, Tony. Why can't you just believe me!" Steve's eyes had more tears now while he did not ket his voice falter.

"Oh, that's comforting." Tony was now yelling, wanting to annoy Steve even more.

Both yelled and shouted at each other, not wanting to stop. A few windows in the neighbourhood lit up, hearing the Rogers fight again.

"This marriage was a mistake. You were a mistake!"

The moment these words left Steve's mouth a silence descended upon both of them.

Both had nothing much worse to say. Suddenly Tony got up. He still wore his white party shirt and black pants. He didn't once look back at Steve and left.

Steve saw him leaving. Tony always did this. He would leave Steve alone after a fight and then would come back later. Steve hated it.

Steve sat on the sofa. He was tired but not sleepy. His mind was tired. He looked at the watch, it was 23:00.

Steve rested his head, not able to bear it anymore.


"You think this is a good idea, Tony?" Steve spoke as he looked up at Tony while resting his head on his lap.

"C'mon, Steve, why wouldn't it be?" Tony grabbed Steve's hand.

"I don't know, we always fight." Steve looked sad.

His words made Tony smile.

"It will all get better. I will wake up next to you," Tony kissed Steve's fingers, making Steve smile widely, "we'll always be together," Tony kept kissing Steve's hand as he continued, "We'll make sweet sweet love!" Then he leaned down to kiss Steve.

But his words had already made Steve laugh. He laughed into the kiss, disrupting it.

"Sweet sweet love?" Steve spoke still laughing. While Tony rolled his eyes.

"Where did you get that? Sweet sweet love?" Steve laughed and fell on the floor holding his belly

"I'll tell you where I got that."

And suddenly Tony topped Steve, holding his wrists to the floor.

Steve's laugh faded gradually when he saw Tony with his face dead serious. Steve couldn't look into his eyes anymore as his cheeks grew redder. He blushed, even more, when Tony leaned in.

"You want to know where I get that?" Tony whispered in his ear, sending chills down Steve's spine with his warm breath.


"Hey honey, wake up." Steve sleepily squinted. He looked around, he was on the sofa. He could feel the light touch of Tony's cold fingers on his face, caressing his hair.

He looked up, Tony stood wearing a sad smile.

"When did you come?" Steve sat up.

"I just came. You slept on the couch." Steve was too sleepy, he hugged Tony from the waist, burying his face in Tony's belly. Tony lightly stroked Steve's hair.

"Do you really want a divorce?" Tony lightly asked, still caressing Steve's hair.

"You called me a whore." Steve's muffled voice emerged, making Tony smile. He held Steve's face in his palms, kissed his forehead with a smile.

He sat beside Steve.

"Are we even made for each other?" Tony asked. He did not look at Steve but could see Steve shrugging.

"I don't know. I think we asked for it... For this chaos when we got married." Steve sadly smiled at Tony.

Both deeply sighed.

"Do you think, we should adopt?" Tony suddenly spoke.

Steve rolled eyes.

"We cannot take care of ourselves, how do you think we'll be able to take care of the baby?"

"Maybe... Maybe after having a baby, we won't fight?" Tony's voice was urgent.

"Seriously?!" Steve looked at Tony with disbelief.

"Okay. You are right." Tony spoke.

Both sat silently.

"We are stuck with each other," Steve said, and Tony nodded.

A deep sigh left their mouths.

What do you people think about it? I just randomly wanted to write something like this. I want to experiment with this OTP. Just hope you enjoyed.

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