Bucky Kidnaps Tony

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Bucky hates Tony. He hates the Billionaire for being the man Steve loves. So, he kidnaps him!

"You cannot keep me here forever, you know that, right?" Billionaire spoke as he kept trying to loosen the rope tied around his hands behind his back.

"Who says I'm going to keep you here forever." Bucky's voice came out flat, void of all emotions.

Tony raised an eyebrow.

"I will kill you," Bucky spoke as he sharpened his pocket knife, his face grim.

"... That makes sense." Tony mumbled to himself while still struggling to get out of the ropes.

He looked around. The place was junk. Must be one of the hideouts that Bucky chose after running from Hydra. Dirt covered the walls, one old bed that Tony himself was tied to, one chair and table, where Bucky sat and a few more things that looked old, really old. What place could it be? Were they still in New York? Tony thought and kept running his brain to help himself. He had to get out of here.

He tried hard to recognise his surroundings.

"We are not in New York," Bucky spoke like he read Tony's mind.

"And you think, SHIELD wouldn't be able to find us?"

A small smile played on Bucky's lips, unlikely of him.

"I know they will, but by the time they will reach us, you will be dead Stark."

And with quick steps Bucky reached Tony, went down on his toes, staring into the eyes of Tony Stark that now had fear, fear of what Bucky might do to him. Tony knew that Hydra had wiped off the real James Buchanan, and this guy in front of him would not be easy to reason with.

"Why are you doing this..." Tony asked. He was scared but could not show it. It was not the time.

Bucky scoffed.

"I want to see what Steve saw in you." He gritted teeth and grabbed Tony's face in his metal palm.

Tony would have screamed, but he was one of the earth's mightiest heroes, he could not. He bore the pain.

"What did he see... you are pathetic... so... so fragile" Bucky spoke, carefully looking at Tony's small face.

Tony's eyes now had fear. The rope was strong, he was not able to free his hands. Tony had no tricks up his sleeve. Now Steve and SHIELD were Tony's only hope.

Bucky who was till now looking carefully at Tony's face like someone buys vegetable after scrutinizing it, went ahead and pecked Tony's lips.

Tony's eyes swelled. He was not expecting it, he was confused. He kept his lips closed, not letting Bucky has his way. But Bucky did not seem to be backing out so soon. He kept stroking Tony's lips with his lips. After a little struggle, he forced his tongue in. Tony did not like it. He never thought that anyone other than Steve would kiss him.

He felt helpless but giving in easily was not Tony Stark's style. He bit Bucky's lips, making him cry out of pain.

And in an instant, Tony realised his mistake. Bucky's face was washed with rage, while his lips bled.

Tony tried backing away from Bucky but that was not an option. Bucky no more spoke, he opened the ropes and dragged Tony up on the bed, tying his hands to the metal posts of the bed.

"Bucky listen to me... Bucky..." Tony's heart pounded as he kept pleading to Bucky, but he was cut off by a tight slap to his face.

"I hope you enjoy this!" Bucky growled as he saddled Tony, wearing an evil smile.

A tear silently left Tony's eyes as he struggled to free his hands.

"Steve will kill you!" Tony spat, his eyes teary, his voice breaking.

"Not before I enjoy you..."

And then Bucky leaned down to kiss him, holding his hands in place. This time Tony did not dare to do anything. He let Bucky kiss him. But one thing that surprised him was the kiss that went mellow, loving, and passionate, it no more had the rage or anguish.

He was confused. He tried looking at Bucky's face. After a while, Bucky parted from the kiss and looked at Tony's face wearing a chaste smile. He kissed Tony's cheek, which confused Tony even more.

Bucky went ahead and kissed Tony's neck, gently as ever. This made Tony moan, elevating the level of confusion in him.

Why wasn't Bucky hurting him? Why was he making love to him?

And the thing that shocked him... why was he liking it? Why was his body was reacting to Bucky's touch?

Things went in slow motion after that. Bucky removed his clothes. He made him feel not just good, but great. He kept thrusting but kept kissing Tony.


And one of the walls crumbled down, filling the dark interiors with blinding lights. Bunch of commandoes ran inside, holding guns. Things happened so fast that Tony did not get the chance to react. He just saw some men getting a hold of Bucky and dragging him away. Tony could see Bucky being dragged away as his eyes were still glued to Tony. And those eyes did not have any anguish any more, instead, something else.

"Tony! Oh God, Tony!"

That was Steve's voice. Tony's hands were freed, someone took him in embrace. Tony could not process anything. He looked up; it was someone familiar. He knew those blue eyes.

"Tony, can you hear me, you okay? Oh my God!" Steve cried out as he hugged Tony closer to his chest while covering his naked torso.

"What did he do to you!" Steve's voice sad, pained.

Tony did not speak anything, just stared at Steve.

"Nothing." Tony finally spoke, his voice small.

Tony never told anyone what happened behind those walls, not even to Steve.

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