Open the Door

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Steve is not opening the door. He is mad at Tony for forgetting their anniversary. What would Tony do now?

"Open the door, Honey," Tony spoke loudly but his voice was gentle.

No response came.

"Open the door, Steve, please," He pleaded.

Again no response came from the other side.

"Steve!" This time he was loud and lacked the softness.

"Don't you dare yell at me!" Finally Steve shouted from inside, his voice muffled but still loud enough to make Tony flinch back.

"Honey, I... I'm sorry!" Tony was sorry and he sounded sorry.

"You are not!" Steve shouted back.

Tony rested his forehead on the closed door.

"I know I made a mistake. I was... I was working on this new project..."

"You and you projects!" A muffled voice of Steve again emerged, interrupting Tony.

"What can I do to make it right?" Tony was feeling defeated.

"Leave me alone, Tony, I don't even want to see you!" Steve yelled, his voice angry.

Tony hid his face in his palms

How could I forget my anniversary, Tony thought.

"Stupid!" Tony thought, out loud.

There was a sound of door latch. And the door opened slowly, giving Tony's eyes the flicker of hope.

Steve's hand on the stile of the door as his half body appeared.

"Did you just call me stupid, Tony?" Steve glared, if only he could kill by glaring him.

Tony gulped, his eyes bloated out of fear.

"Honey... I..."

"Why did I ever marry you, when you were already married to your projects!" Steve yelled, his voice broke, and he again slammed the door on Tony's face.

Tony could now hear light sobs.

"Open the door, Steve, I'm sorry," He was defeated.

"Our first anniversary and you forgot. You stood me up, I was humiliated," Steve now only complained.

"I know I'm sorry, Steve. Please, open the door, Honey," Tony was growing restless.

"Go away!" Steve yelled.

"It's 1 in the night, where am I supposed to go?" Tony hopelessly looked at the door.

No answer came.

"Alright. I'll just... Sit here," and Tony placed himself in front of the door.

All went silent.

Tony now found it hard to sit anymore. The insomniac now felt dizzy.

"I'm still here... Sitting... On the floor..." Tony yelled to Steve, to no avail.

He slowly laid on the floor, still having his eyes stuck on the door. And he didn't know when he fell asleep.

A light sound of door latch echoed the hallway.

Steve slowly opened and took a sigh of frustration when saw his husband sleeping on the floor. Surprisingly, Tony hardly slept and here he was, sleeping like a baby.

Steve was still mad but he couldn't let his husband sleep on the floor.

He went down and picked Tony up like a baby in his arms. Tony sleepily nuzzled against Steve's chest while he carried him to the bed.

Steve carefully placed him on the bed. And went to his side to sleep. He knew he could always take the fight to the next day. He quietly slept on his side.

But then he felt a pair of arms around his waist and warmth of Tony's body against his.

Steve took in a shaky breath, still mad at Tony.

"Thank you, Baby!" Tony whispered, kissing Steve's cheek from behind as he spooned him.

A comfortable silence spread across the room.

"Did you bring me a gift, Tony?" Steve quietly spoke, terrorizing Tony.

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