Superfamily Troubles

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Wade Wilson is dating Peter Parker. And that's what the fuss is about!

"Do we really need to do it?" Tony hesitantly asked, knowing Steve's temper over the matter.

"The guy is 47!" Steve spoke, his face straight.

"That son of a..." Tony angrily mumbled to himself but stopped when saw their teenage son Peter walking in.

"Dad... Pop, this is Wade!" Peter chirped.

Both Tony and Steve walked into the living room. And all the colour faded away from their faces. The pacifier Steve felt anger boiling within him to see a middle-aged man walking along their tiny winy Peter. He looked at Tony, their expressions somewhat similar, unhappy.

The guy must have been in late thirties or maybe early forties.

But they couldn't do anything. It was Peter's decision and they were going to respect it, no matter how hard it was.

Wade nervously walked alongside Peter while Peter seemed pretty excited to introduce his boyfriend to their dads.

"Wade Wilson!" Wade nervously spoke as he forwarded his hand to shake.

Steve and Tony looked at it. But before Tony could grab it, Steve grabbed it and faked a smile.

Tony knew what was going to happen. He looked at Steve, scared of what Steve was about to do.

With a loud crack, the mansion echoed with Wade's scream.

Moments Later

"You broke his hand, Pop!" Peter furiously paced back and forth.

Steve sat silently, not looking at Peter or Tony.

"Watch your tone, young man!" Tony commanded.

Peter looked frustrated, he crossed his arms on his chest.

"If you did not like him, you could have told me!" Peter still could not believe that Steve literally attacked Wade.

"Peter..." Tony was about to scold Peter again but he was cut off when Steve got up.

He walked closer to Peter and placed hands on his shoulders, almost towering him.

"Peter, honey, we love you. The guy is just three years younger to your dad standing there," Steve softly spoke.

Peter huffed, not ready to understand anything.

"I just broke his hand. I will break every bone in his body, if he tries to even touch you."

His threat made both Peter and Tony gulp in fear. This wasn't Steve Rogers they knew.

"Now you will wait here, and Your dad and I will talk to your boyfriend." Steve again spoke softly, wearing an evil smile.

This sudden change in Steve's tone and body language was scary to both Peter and Tony.

"How's your hand?" Tony asked as they walked into the living room.

This time, Steve and Tony did not even try to fake a smile.

"Broken I think." Wade spoke, pain clearly flashing in his voice.

Steve sat in front of Wade. A smirk played on his lips. Evidently he was happy for breaking Wade's hand.

"I think you should leave now and get it fixed, Mr. Wade." Steve calmly spoke.

"This is not fair!" Peter yelled from the other portion of the house.

Tony and Steve briefly squeezed their eyes in frustration.

Wade looked at both of them and then smiled to himself.

"What's so amusing, Wade?" Steve spoke, a confident smile still on his face.

Wade looked at them, and sat straight. And at the flick of a switch, his nervousness was gone. He rested his back on the sofa and crossed one leg over the other.

Steve and Tony looked at each other.

"I know you people do not approve of us." Wade spoke, a certain mischief in his voice.

"Wade, why are you here?" Tony spoke.

"To meet you people. Peter talked so much about you." Wade's talking style was entirely different now, much more confident and chirpy.

"He is 16!" Steve almost growled, Tony placed his hand over Steve's, meaning to calm him.

"Age is just a number." Wade rolled eyes.

Steve and Tony both looked at him with disbelief.

"You hear yourself?" Tony almost yelled.

Wade backed in scare.

"You two need to calm down."

"Wade, listen carefully. Peter is 16. If you..." Steve tried controlling his anger, "If you touch him..."

"Did you two have... Are you two physical?" Steve suddenly asked, like a light bulb went off in his head. Tony grabbed Steve's arm, stopping him from attacking Wade.

"Ew! No, c'mon, I mean I would love to but I don't want to go to jail."

His words made both men take a mental sigh of relief.

"But... Does a kiss count?" Wade continued.

And his words were enough to make Steve lunge for his throat.

"Oh My God, Steve!" Tony tried pulling Steve off Wade but it did not exactly work.

Steve was like in a frenzy. Wade choked and could not even scream.

"What the hell are you doing, Pop?" Peter came running when heard the commotion.

"Not the right time, Peter, go to your room!" Tony's strained voice appeared as he kept trying separating Steve and Wade.

"I will not! Pop, leave Wade!" Peter yelled.

"It's... Nothing... You don't worry, Babe!" Wade somehow managed to squeak out in a stuffy voice, his face red.

"Babe?" Steve's anger rose, "You called him Babe?"

Peter snatched at his hair, not able to believe his eyes. Tony kept trying removing Steve but the damage was done.

No, Wade did not die. With time, Steve and Tony accepted Wade, sort of. They did not try to kill him again. Wade was asked not to touch Peter till he reaches the right age that Steve decided was 40 Years. They all lived happily ever after... Sort of.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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