Captain Chef

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Steve has been trying to cook but every time he entered the kitchen, even the atheist Tony Stark started praying. Let's peek into the kitchen and see what Steve Rogers' experiments are costing his husband, Tony Stark.

"I ordered pizza for us!" Tony announced as he placed a soft kiss on Steve's cheek from behind. Steve sat in front of the TV. But Tony's eyes bloated to see what Steve was watching.

It was the cookery show that Steve always watched before cooking something. He looked down at Steve, to see him noting down the recipe in a notebook. Tony gulped. Steve, on the other hand, seemed pretty occupied.

"What are you doing, Steve? Tony asked, even though he knew the answer.

"Umm... I'll be making Ratatouille for dinner." He looked up and smiled at Tony and then got back to writing.

"Rata what?" Tony was already frozen.

"Oh. It's French." Steve spoke while intently looking at the TV.

Tony held his forehead, knowing that his husband wasn't looking. And he wouldn't know what fear his cooking caused him.

He quickly walked into the bedroom and closed the door carefully, making sure Steve wasn't looking.

He took out his phone.

"Steve is cooking again." His voice panicked.

"What?" The feminine voice emerging from the other side was equally shocked.

"Something French. Natasha, what do I do now?" Tony was genuinely scared.

"You need to tell him, Tony," Natasha spoke.

Tony bit his nails, he did not like the idea. He couldn't do it and he knew it. He hung up after agreeing to Natasha, but even Natasha knew that Tony wouldn't do it.

Tony slumped on the bed, his eyes stuck to the ceiling.

And even he didn't realise when his mind went back in time, the time when Steve first tried to cook something.

It was a few days after they had gotten back from their honeymoon. Captain America wanted to do something special for his husband.

"What are you doing, Honey?" The billionaire joined Steve in the kitchen.

Steve already looked embarrassed.

"I... I thought of making something for dinner." Steve's hand slowed down.

Tony's smile grew bigger. He went ahead and stood between his husband and the kitchen shelf on which Steve was doing something.

He looked up at the blonde and smiled. His smile instantly melted Steve, he smiled back and pecked at smaller man's lips.

"You don't need to do all this," Tony spoke.

"I just wanted to make you feel special." Steve's cheek went red. The blonde never did something like this for anyone.

Tony again smiled at the cuteness of his husband.

"Okay, you go out." Steve pushed out of the kitchen, only to receive a quick peck at his lips by the shorter man before he finally left. Steve turned towards the kitchen.

He had fought battles but this a different wargame altogether.

He took a deep breath and then started again.

Tony sat on the couch, be looked at his watch to see the time. He was hungry and he did look forward to the dinner.

Soon the table was set. Everything looked right out of Tv advertisements.

Tony sat and looked at the food with amazed written all over his face.

Steve looked nervous.

Tony grabbed a spoon and took a bite.

The time stopped. The room suddenly lacked oxygen. Tony could feel his tongue burning, and he was sure it wasn't because the food was hot. It tasted bitter, spicy... burned, all at once. Tony thought of spitting out, but then he looked at Steve.

Steve sat there like a child with hopes in his baby blue eyes. He had a small nervous smile on his face.

Tony somehow forced a smile and swallowed whatever that was in his mouth. But now his throat burned and started feeling stuffy. He quickly opened the wine bottle, still with a fake smile plastered on his face.

He took one big gulp of red wine. He could feel that thing travelling from his chest to his stomach and it didn't feel nice.

But wine at least made him able to speak.

"What was that?" Tony spoke as his mouth burned. It took him a lot of struggle not to retch. He again took a big gulp of wine.

Steve's face suddenly lost its hope.

"You didn't like it?" Steve's broken heart could be heard from his voice.

Tony froze. He couldn't do it. He wouldn't do it.

"That was the most amazing thing I have ever tasted, Honey." Tony went ahead and pecked Steve's lips, taking the opportunity to slide the dish off the table.

With a loud smash, the bowl broke.

Both looked at each other.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, babe. I'm so stupid." Tony tried faking his best.

"It's okay, Tony. I saved some for you. I knew you would like it. I kept some aside." Steve smiled widely before getting up.

Tony sat there. Defeated. The worst part, he had to eat it all to save Steve from his own cooking.

He couldn't tell him, he couldn't break his heart.

But this one lie of his kept bitting him in the ass for days to come. Steve cooked more. First, it was just Sundays, then he started cooking Tony's favourite whenever he wanted to make him feel special which was every other day.

Tony sat up with a jolt.

"Natasha was right. Maybe I should tell him. He needs to know." He spoke to himself, determined.

He got out. Steve wasn't on the couch anymore. He went to the kitchen.

"This needs to stop. This has to stop..." He kept rambling but was cut off by the sight.

His eyes gleamed and he found himself smiling like stupid.

The kitchen like had extra luminescence. Steve carefully cut the tomatoes, his hands slow. He chopped onions. He looked like an artist at work. He multitasked.

Tony couldn't help himself getting mesmerized by the Angel standing in the kitchen.

He looked as Steve now and then swept back his hair with the back of his hand.

Steve smiled, bit his nails, cursed himself when putting too much salt. And Tony enjoyed every bit of it.

After what seemed like quite some time, Tony moved to the dining room. He was still in trance.

But his trance broke as Steve placed a bowl in front of him.

Tony's smile vanished. He looked up to see Steve smiling at him. He nervously smiled back.

He looked at the bowl kept in front of him and regretted loving Steve so much.

Hello!! Hope you enjoyed it. Just wanted to write light stuff. I'll be updating other books as well.

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