Chapter 5 (Part 2)

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Warning: slight cursing
-Logan's POV-
   I hear trees start to break and fall over accompanied with large footsteps. Everyone started riding their horses back in fear for what was going to come out of the forest. Patton turned his horse around and made it run back to the stables. While we are running back, I look behind me and see Cerberus crash through the trees into the pasture. I quickly unwrap my arms from Patton and, with surprising grace, I hop off Patton's horse.
Patton stopped his horse. "Logan?! What are you doing!?!?!"
"Just trust me. Get to the stables, I'll explain later." I told him. Patton reluctantly ride his horse
From the stables I hear a "Good luck." from Virgil. I roll my eyes even though he couldn't see me. Anyway, back to the matter at hand.
I start running toward Cerberus. When I was a good distance away from Cerberus, I stopped running and looked up at him. He starts growling at me. I growl back. He took it as a challenge and growled louder. My hair lit up with blue fire showing I was angry. I growled even louder, my hands curled into fists.
Cerberus continues to growl get louder every time I did. I. Was. Pissed.
My hair turned red and so did the fire. My eyes turned bright white and I started rising up into the air. I rose up so Cerberus' middle head and I were at looking into each other's eyes. I give Cerberus the meanest glare while growling. It was enough to make him back down.
   "Now," I said. My voice was deeper that it was before. "You are going to go home, before I give you some nasty burns."
   Cerberus whimpered, turned around, and ran back the way he came. I smirked and floated down. I don't what happened but when I touched the ground I slipped into an unconscious state.
-Virgil's POV-
   I saw Logan fall over and immediately took charge. "Ok!" I said loud enough to get everyone's attention. "You all are going to listen to me and I'll explain later. Understood?" Everyone said "Yes" in unison. "Good. Now someone get cold water, someone  get some towels soaked in cold water, and everyone else stay out of me and my friends way. We can take care of the rest." I instructed.
   "Jan and Remy, go get Logan. Remember don't touch his skin." I said.
   "On it!" Janus said as they both run to Logan.
   I get a tap on my shoulder that causes me to jump. I turn around and see Patton holding a glass of water and soaked towels. "Thanks Patton, just set them on that table for now." I point to the table next to me. Patton sets them down.
   "Hey Virgil?" Patton asks in a worried voice.
   "Yes Patton?" I said.
   "Is Logan gonna be alright?" He looked close to crying.
   I sigh and walk over to Patton and give him a hug. "Yes, he will be. This has happened before so me, Remy, and Jan know what we are doing."
   Patton hugs back. "Thanks Virgil. I needed that."
   "You're welcome." Remy and Jan come in. Remy holding Logan's feet and Janus holding under Logan's armpits. I let go of Patton and pick up the glass of water and the cold towels. "Set him on this table." I told Janus and Remy.
   They set Logan on the table. "Take off his shirt and place a towel around his torso and around his arms." I instructed. Janus carefully took off Logan's shirt. I look over at Patton who is staring at Logan, his face bright red at the fact that Logan is shirtless. I smirk. Patton has a crush on Logan.
   Anyway Remy wrapped Logan's torso with one of the towels and Janus wrapped both of Logan's arms. I fold up one of the towels and put it across Logan's forehead. "Now all we have to do is wait." I said.
   I look around everyone left but Roman, Patton, Remus, and Emile. "Guys, you don't have to stay." I said.
   "Nonsense Emo Nightmare, we are your friends. At least I think we are. Are we?" There was a bit of uncertainty in his voice. I look over at Janus and Remy. They give me a small nod.
   "I guess we are Princey." I said. Roman smiled and for some reason my heart fluttered.
My gay panic was interrupted by Logan shifting around, slowly gaining consciousness. "S-S-So.......c-cold....." Logan stuttered out.
"Take the towels off." I said to Janus and Remy. They took the towels off of Logan's body and set them aside. Luckily it was a relatively warm day out so Logan curled up into a ball and laid there soaking up the suns rays. Soon Logan fell asleep.
While we let Logan rest we all started talking. Asking basic questions to get to know each other. Remy found out this thing called coffee and he has a "date" with Emile to go get some. Emile never said it was a date but I'm still going to tease the hell out of both of them.
After a little bit, Logan started to wake up. Logan yawned and stretched making his back crack. He then grabs his shirt and put it on. Logan tried putting his tie on but he kept messing up. "Here let me help." Patton said walking up to Logan and taking the tie.
-Logan's POV-
For some reason I am failing at tying my tie, which is unusual because I'm usually able to tie my tie. Patton takes my tie and starts tying my tie correctly. While Patton was working on my tie a bit of his tongue stuck out the side of his mouth in concentration. "This is just too precious to process." I mumble to myself. My face heats up. Why am I acting like this? I'll have to ask Virgil.
"Aaaaaaaand.... done!" Patton said finishing tying my tie.
"Thank you Patton. I appreciate it." I said.
"No problem Logan." Patton said cheerfully.
"Anyway it's getting darker and we should get to our dorms." I said.
Patton gasps. "We could have a movie night!!!"
"Absolutely not, we have school tomorrow." I said.
"Uuuuuh Logan don't want to do that." Roman said.
"Why?" I said, I found my answer when I looked back at Patton. His eyes were wide and pleading. He was making the cutest pouty face in existence and it's not ever an exaggeration.
"Can we pleeeeeeeeaaase have a movie night? Please Lo." Patton said, his gorgeous brown eyes sealing my fate.
   "F-Fine, we can have a movie night." I give in to Patton's puppy dog eyes.
   "Yay!" Patton said happily.
   "We can watch movie on our room on our TV." Roman said.
   "Well what are we waiting for. Let's go!" Remus said.
   We all jog to the field and we go take a shower in the locker rooms. After we all take showers and get in our clothes. Patton, Roman, Remus, and Emile getting into there regular clothes.
   Then we jogged to Roman and Patton's room, but before we got too comfortable we all changed into pajamas.
   Once we were comfortable, we all agreed on a movie and started the movie. I was sitting on Patton's bed next to Patton. Virgil and Roman were on Roman's bed. Janus and Remus were laying on their stomachs, using their hands to support their heads, in between Patton's bed and Roman's bed. Remy and Emile were sitting on Roman and Patton's mini couch.
After that movie we watched another and another and another, till my eyelids started to feel heavy. I feel something on my shoulder so I look down at my shoulder and it was Patton. He fell asleep on my shoulder. I lay Patton down and get up to leave but before I do I feel a hand grab my wrist.
"Don't go......" Patton sleep talked.
I smile a little. "Fine, I'll stay." Patton let go of my wrist. I take off Patton's glasses and set them on his nightstand. I take off my glasses, set them on the nightstand, and laid down next to Patton but turn my back to him. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I assume the others went to sleep because no one was getting up to leave.
Suddenly I feel arms wrap around me. I turn over and see Patton cuddling me. My face heats up. What is he doing to me?!?!?! Ugh!!! Feelings!!!
Before I could overthink things I fell asleep.

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